xD if you ever do read this Falacy.
Id like to thank you,
You have made the first and only bleach game that i actually WANT to play. Your coding is simply perfection.
Although ppl nag on and on about it needs updates(although very true)Its is an extremely awsome game and you should be proud of it.
And as soon as you finish this game, ill be your most dedicated player :3
-=shout out to you=-
-Byonds gangsta(Rod5)
Aug 8 2010, 8:18 pm
Aug 9 2010, 11:57 am
If you like the game so much and want it to be finished, you should give Falacy a whole lot of money. Otherwise, there's very little chance of it ever being done.
In response to Tmx85
dude this post was made for positive remarks not more nagging