Thankfully this week saw no Internet issues, although it was a near thing. Since getting cable back, I was having extreme packet loss and frequently losing the Internet connection altogether. This turned out to be a simple fix; a technician came by on Sunday who had experience with this issue, and slapped a filter right onto the modem. Problem solved. In the meantime my car got sick, which messed up Monday and further messed up Tuesday.

Despite Tuesday being a wreck, at long last this week I was able to deliver on the release I'd planned for last week. Of course, it wasn't entirely smooth sailing, and I ran into some last-minute issues prepping the release for Linux (of course). Thankfully I was able to resolve all of those on Monday, but not without the usual round of cursing.

As expected, a few new issues snuck in for the ride. Some of the problems were unforeseen oversights in the build scripts or tools that caused problems like Byondapi not being packaged with the zips, or problems with the sample project that caused some confusion for people adapting it. A lot of this will be addressed in the next release.

I was going to push for a release Wednesday, because one of the more important new bugs involves call_ext() calls that use the old string method—which can now pass nulls instead of empty strings, confusing some libraries. But more bug fixes have piled up and a few others are still pending, so it's more likely that the next beta release will be either early next week or possibly even this weekend. Not today, because... you know, Friday curse.

More changes are likely to shake out of Byondapi now that it's getting a proper workout in the hands of users. There's also very definitely a problem with the threading portions of Byondapi, where I failed to anticipate that my late change to references to create temporary refs wouldn't work in these situations, so I'm still figuring that out.

Thank you so much to all of you whose support through Membership, donations, and our various other support channels keeps the lights on and makes it possible for me to do this.

If the rain leaves you alone for two seconds, be sure to get your grilling in. I'm still hoping to find a nice day ahead to take off for a road trip, in lieu of a proper vacation. I'm also still in the market for a slice of mile-high cake. Enjoy your summer, and wherever you go, don't forget your towel.