Applies to:Dream Maker
Status: Open

Issue hasn't been assigned a status value.
right-click = true
This allows you to pop up a context menu

right-click = false
This prohibits you to pop up a context menu

right-click = SOMETHING
This is mixed version of top above (the thing I'd like to request)

* It will catch the atoms that'll be displayed in your context menu (gather information from your client side first)
* It doesn't send caught items to the context menu. It directly sends the result to the client proc. (Don't pop up context menu)
* typically, "right-click=false" calls `client/MouseDown()`. but with SOMETHING value, It calls another client proc instead it.
* MouseContextRecieved(list/context_result, location, controls, params)

For example, If you have 3 items on your cursor, and you do right-click

* true: It pops up a context menu telling 3 items
* false: the client calls MouseDown(object,location,control,params) proc, and only the most top item (by sprite capture on your cursor) will be sent to the first parameter (object)
* SOMETHING: the client calls MouseContextRecieved(list/context_result, location, controls, params). All items that a cursor can capture on its point will be sent to the first parameter.

let's say there are 2 items on a turf.
right-click=true will catch 3 atoms, all of them.
right-click=false will call MouseDown() proc with a single atom.

right-click=SOMETHING will catch 3 atoms, all of them. (same as true)
right-click=SOMETHING will call MouseContextRecieved() proc with caught atoms.

-- Syntax example
window "mapwindow"
elem "map"
right-click = SOMETHING
/client/MouseContextRecieved(list/context_result, location, controls, params)
. = ..()
client.make_context_menu(context_result.Copy()) // client custom proc

. = ..()
// Your game will not call this proc because 'right-clic=SOMETHING' prioritizes calling MouseContextRecieved()

-- the usage I expect from this feature
You don't have to rely on the hardcorded context menu. Although a coder should build their own context menu, that will work fine as the caught item list is the actual thing we want to have.

This post has been made after talking with Lummox that the feature request I made is not feasible.