![]() Sep 6 2011, 3:53 pm
In response to CauTi0N
It's logical yes,but using mp at the end of a round is for the pure enjoyment of it. I think you should only make that code for a few classes that use a large consumption of mp. Like warlord for example,if you use mp at the end of a round,it's not really going to make an effect on you next game.
It's not going to effect gameplay at all, so I don't see the problem with it. The only skill I use after a wave is over is the flail, and that's only to bash in the wall.
And thanks for looking into the recolour. I'd actually like to see the 'bonus' function, would be neat. I appreciate you looking into it. |
CauTi0N wrote:
Hey guys, testing out all the characters and I found the same happens with the Necromancer, but it gave me a decent idea, but I wanted to lay it on you guys first. To be honest, the only one that this issue really applies to is Nomad - that was simply to safe guard newbies from activating the skill meaninglessly, and wondering why they couldn't regenerate Aura. The key words being 'Nomads can't get more Aura'. Every other class regenerates aura - which is why I personally don't see this to be an issue with any other class. I know for a fact that even in the old versions, every other (non-sub) class can waste their Aura (mostly from watching other newbies) after wave is over. Granted, it's absolutely annoying and utterly stupid (especially when they don't have the aura when we NEED it), but at least their Aura can regenerate. With Nomad, this becomes an issue because most newbies don't understand that Nomad can't regenerate Aura. Basically, it's to prevent newbies from become extremely annoying and wasting wishes meaninglessly. Assuming that they even know that it can only be cast 3 times only to begin with. That's my opinion. Honestly, if you sub for this game and actually waste Aura to try summoning something after the wave is over, then... well, something is seriously wrong with you. Necro is a non-matter to begin with, thanks to his aura rate, and Conjurer... again, if you subbed and you try doing that, you should be prepared to be called a 'baka'. |
Yeah, but this fails to grab the potential of misclicks. Sure, during a game they are devastating but after a wave, if someone is writing "Sudz! I need you to heal me" but they weren't in their chat box, they would activate their skill, unknowingly wasting their aura.
You're right, for most classes this doesn't apply, but it just seems to me that new players who don't know any better will annoy the rest of their team by wasting aura that they have to wait to regenerate for the next wave, when it matters. Not really a game-mechanic measure as much as it just is a community decision, which is why I want to hear input. So far it's 3-2. |
CauTi0N wrote:
Not really a game-mechanic measure as much as it just is a community decision, which is why I want to hear input. So far it's 3-2. As a member of the community and nothing more, I'd say that this constitutes a bug for the nomad and other summoning skills, and any other skill that has no effect at the end of a wave. New players often test skills at the end of a wave right after changing class, especially now that we have the help files in-game. Removing the ability to see what "Fire snake" does before being thrust into battle doesn't sound like an improvement. My suggestion would be to fix all bugs before moving on to new features. I highly recommend that you read No.5 on this list: http://www.joelonsoftware.com/articles/fog0000000043.html Joel on Software is an excellent source of programming and software design advice. |
IainPeregrine wrote:
New players often test skills at the end of a wave right after changing class, especially now that we have the help files in-game. Removing the ability to see what "Fire snake" does before being thrust into battle doesn't sound like an improvement. To be honest, I have forgotten about that now - it is very easy to take experience for granted. Let's be honest - the fastest and most practical way to test an ability is to use it [how many people can afford the time to read the help files, especially on the higher waves?]. When it's your first time with a completely new class, you wouldn't want to waste the time to read a passage on how it works, you would use it first (even though it might not necessarily be the right time to use it) so that you can gain that learning experience. The question becomes whether it's more appropriate to make these mistakes in the middle of battle or at the end of a wave. In battle is more dangerous, for sure, but there is the margin of possibility that such mistakes may turn out to be lucky or useful applications. End of wave is safer, but is more likely to be a waste. With the summoning classes, it may be a bigger issue as summons at the end of a wave is not visible - meaning that the player would have no idea what the skill does, yet just loses the appropriate Aura cost for no apparent reason. It punishes a new player for trying out their brand new skill, which doesn't really help anyone (or worse, the player might think that the skill is useless). I think I need to consider the angle of a new player a bit more. This is similar to a newbie Pirate bombing himself to death because they don't know better - do you let them stay an idiot or do you change things to prevent them from doing idiotic things? |
IainPeregrine wrote:
As a member of the community and nothing more, I'd say that this constitutes a bug for the nomad and other summoning skills, and any other skill that has no effect at the end of a wave. New players often test skills at the end of a wave right after changing class, especially now that we have the help files in-game. Removing the ability to see what "Fire snake" does before being thrust into battle doesn't sound like an improvement. My suggestion would be to fix all bugs before moving on to new features. I wouldn't say this is a new feature as much as it is an alternative way to fix the bug. If we take this approach, then do we wish for them to still be able to summon their genie? Because that sounds worse - but would keep things consistent. None of these changes are difficult, just design-questionable. [Edit: Pondering the situation, I do remember when I was new attempting my abilities at the end of waves. It is player choice, and my thought would limit freedom of that, even if the player is being idiotic and should be limited of that. But I think I should re-implement the fail-safe for summons (and other end-of-wave breaking skills) regardless of the decision made.] |
Alright. I updated it so any characters with skills that summon anything (Nomad, Necromancer) are unable to activate those skills, but all other skills are accessible.
I'm doing testing, but if any of you know of any skills that can't be activated at the end of waves for whatever reason, please inform me so I can add it to this list. Otherwise, once this is done I think it's set for an update. What do you think, Iain? [EDIT: Note - I'm unable to test multi-player functionality. However, I haven't updated anything that affects multi-player, so there is nothing to worry about regarding those skills.] |
CauTi0N wrote:
Otherwise, once this is done I think it's set for an update. What do you think, Iain? If you can get D4 to test it for you, or anyone else, that would be better than updating "cold" so to speak. There's some sort of event coming up this weekend, it would be nice to have a stable version out by then. |
CauTi0N wrote:
[EDIT: Note - I'm unable to test multi-player functionality. However, I haven't updated anything that affects multi-player, so there is nothing to worry about regarding those skills.] Being by yourself, I could imagine that it would be hard to test something like that - but hey, that's what we're here for. We don't hunt you down with pitch-forks for every bug, we just play and find them, then bother you, haunt you, and keep playing :) *Gets the insecticide* |