Heres the tier list for playing a Solo game. Feel free to make suggestions. Note: This is not my opinion, these are the community opinions from previous debates.
Tier 3
Royal Knight
Dark Lancer
High Priest
Tier 2(With Sub)
Dark Knight
Tier 2(Without Sub)
Dark Knight
Tier 1
Tier 0
Adventurer(BYOND Member)
![]() Jan 8 2011, 6:13 pm (Edited on Oct 2 2011, 12:57 pm)
Vampire second to last on tier 3? I don't think so... It's easily one of the better classes for soloing. But, this is really an opinion, so meh. |
My list. Keep in mind that I generally prefer melee over ranged, but I also acknowledge the important role ranged attacks have in avoiding damage.
Tier 3:
Tier 2:
Tier 1:
Tier 0:
Customs: (I'm not going to give my reasoning for these because Kai and Jamckell will rage at me)
Customs: (I'm not going to give my reasoning for these because Kai and Jamckell will rage at me)
There is no justifying putting my custom in number two :P All three of my skills are only used to heal other people, I cannot heal myself at all. This is a solo list, after all. So I'm basically like adventurer (1 speed, wood sword) that can move on water. Unless you're talking about the current bugged out version of my character where the heal skill does work on myself, but, as a I said, that's a temporary bug. As for the other tiers, I like to see how other people view the classes. I feel that you're forgetting the Dark Knight and Lancer's best aspect, and that's their invulnerability skill. Like the bard, they can escape a bad situation that would be a hopeless death for other classes. This is crucial when soloing high waves, especially castle and bosses. Also, I'm surprised to see you list pirate so low, and you don't even mention the "ARR!" skill. Pirate is easily better than half the tier3 classes in the hands of a master. I sometimes consider pirate the best solo class. |
It's much more difficult to utilize the DK/DL invincibility spell because of their lower movement speed, compared to Bard/Minstrel/Gypsy. I think their low movement speed makes their invincibility spell to be more or less useless offensively (You can't do Seferiel's suicide charge as DK or DL). But they move just fast enough to pop the invincibility and get out from being surrounded, I believe.
Getting surrounded while soloing is the last thing you should let happen though, so ideally the one situation you would use the invincibility spell doesn't come up. And I haven't played Pirate long enough to have mastered his invincibility spell either. I don't think anyone has? I've only heard of one person ever using it particularly well. |
This is what my list would look like. I'm not going to speculate on customs cause its moot you won't get to use them all unless your Iain/Cauti0n.
Tier 3 Rogue Sage Hero Dark Lancer Warlord Royal Knight Berserker Warlock Sorceror Gypsy Minstrel Necromancer Templar Dervish Monk Ninja Vampire Crusader Conjurer High Priest Tier 2 Barbarian Dark Knight Pirate Dragoon Bard Druid Paladin Nomad Wizard Cleric Tier 1 Archer Knight Mage Acolyte Tier 0 Orc Hero(Regressia) Adventurer(BYOND Member) Adventurer |
I'm surprised nobody's put Pirate at the top tier in a solo game, even possibly in competition with the tier 3 classes. I used to think Bard or DK (still my fave classes) were the best Tier 2s in a solo, but I've since been proven wrong when I tried a Pirate.
Pirate's got low HP and low damage output. Bombs are garbage and it's pretty much suicidal to be using them. You either get dangerously close to the enemy or you hurt yourself with them, and the damage is abysmal for such a high risk weapon. So what's the benefit of a Pirate? His ability to make himself invulnerable at will by using ARR!. On a full aura stock, ARR! takes only 1/2 a bar. While the invulnerability is short, the Pirate can chain together a second ARR! right before the first wears off to get more than enough invulnerability time to run through a spider web or group of enemies thanks to a Pirate's fast movement speed. You can even use it as a pseudo-shield to block projectiles aimed at your allies if need be. One of the reasons bombs suck is because they eat up your entire aura, which should always be saved for avoiding damage, as it's one of the most powerful abilities in the game. Late game, enemies do absurd amounts of damage. In a solo, a bard's shielding recharges too slowly to help in an open map without any cover against fast enemies like ninjas. A pirate's aura stock on the other hand recharges ridiculously fast where you'll have a full aura stock a second or two after using two ARRs!. Combine that with a bow that lets you attack at a safe distance and a decent wooden sabre to hit enemies diagonally if need be (stick with the bow and arrows when you can) and you have a very hard to kill class that can constantly dodge attacks via invulnerability. Surrounded by enemies? Invuln and charge through them to safety. And you can do this over and over with the insanely fast aura recharge. Bombs do serve one purpose though: they're effective at killing the giant demons who are immune to arrows. Kill off the rest of the enemies, wait for them to warp, and lay a bomb. Running up and slashing them between attacks is also possible, but riskier. For everything else, if you can you should keep your distance and hit 'em with arrows. Really, the limit to a Pirate is all player skill and having a non-laggy server. Learning to time your ARR! to avoid damage is the difference between Pirates being a lackluster upgrade to archer or Pirates being nigh-unkillable gods on the battlefield. |