![]() Dec 18 2010, 8:07 am
I feel my character was discriminated against for being the only black in the game. Someone, o, someone, cry out, for the ye olde NAACP.
Actually, I do recall you saying my custom wouldn't suck though; because I'm quite certain I asked you if it would be tier 3-worthy, and you said something along the lines of 'Don't worry, I'll make sure it's up to par' but I guess the jokes on me because I don't have evidence. I'd be fine with the class if the skills it came with -helped-. For instance: Jump. I assumed that since the class was already speedy, it didn't need an escape mechanism. Thus I assumed that when I landed, it wouldn't just allow me to get my arse gang-rambled. I assumed there'd be something like: Lands Ground shakes Enemies are hit, and take damage and are temporarily stunned Or: Lands Clouds jut out in all directions which blow enemies away Invulnerable for more than 1/10000000000000 seconds (2/10000000000000 :D?) Secondly, I figured I'd be able to use Jump in the like manner: Jump, use remaining MP to spin to clear a path. You know, to make me slightly up to par with Fugnsarf's Shotgun ( R%26CGCscreen.jpg/220px-R%26CGCscreen.jpg) or D4RKE's Chain Lightning. To my utter surprise; jump was useful for one thing: Escaping; and chances were when I needed a speedy escape... well I just speedily escaped, simple as that. (3 Speed e.e.) As for the $5 part, I actually said quite a few times I would've paid more than $5, but I wasn't going to go out of my way to throw more money at you. Besides, the way I originally designed my character... utilized functions that were -already- in the game. You just didn't make them to specifications, thus you needed to program extra. Hence: Jump -nudge nudge, wink wink- As for spin; I asked for it entirely because I thought it'd go hand in hand with jump. (it doesn't, again, joke's on me) Personally, I wouldn't be pursuing my point if you had never assured me my class wouldn't be unequal to others. Because throughout the entire process, I'm pretty sure I referenced how Fugsnarf's giant was epic. Even before you programmed. About 2 minutes after we stopped talking about the class and you were about to start programming and I couldn't think of a third skill. So I remember saying that I needed to think of something so that my class didn't suck. And I recall you responding in a reassuring fashion that it wouldn't. Had you not reassured me so, I wouldn't be PMSing about it. Besides, it's quite obvious that I appreciate the OTHER work you're doing on Casual Quest; or else I wouldn't have bought ANOTHER subscription 5 minutes ago. I simply thought it was outrageous that my class didn't perform as good as it seemed to. -cough- the Gilded Age. |
First, please stop referring to other people's characters, it doesn't matter to me. Maybe I misspoke, maybe you misunderstood me. Whatever. Doesn't matter. I can't promise you that your character is any better than anyone else's, or just as good, or whatever. It's very subjective, and it's not part of the deal. It means less than nothing to me, so you're not going to get me to act by mentioning it. You're going to get me to ignore you, because it means nothing to me.
Yes, I did tell you that your character would not suck. Let's take a look at some of its base stats: Speed: 3. Reserved for only the rogue, a tier 3 class. A long ranged projectile attack that does 2 points of melee damage, that can be used as many times as you want (if you don't use your other skills). Health: 8. Two points more than standard character health. Your character is tier three, just from those stats alone. It may not be cool, but melee classes are effective because of the damage they can do consistently. You chose to have a melee class, that means most of your effectiveness is going to come from the damage you can output. The down side is that you don't have a ton of flashy stuff to make you seem like you're doing something cool. Or do you? Let's look at some other things that I told you would make me have to balance him in other ways: He's fast as all hell! I told you only rogues were that fast, but you wanted faster. You got it. You just had to have those extra pixels for your image (your image is 16x18). I told you that was a big deal with me, but you wanted it. You got it. A jump skill that can be used to escape from harm to anywhere on the map, at any time! The real issue here is the way you play with him. Any other tier 3 class would require that you answer three cards to get it, so you'd generally play conservatively, trying very hard not to get hurt, which is pretty much what the whole game is about. But you know that, if you die, you can just come back with the same guy again, so you rush in and (surprise surprise!) get your ass handed to you. Your class is a technique class (not a class /with techniques/, but a class that /requires technique/), but you play with it like a brute force class. Don't ever again tell me that your class is underpowered. It isn't. There is no basis to say that it is underpowered. I should know: When I'm testing, I use your character. No other class can solo wave after wave, killing enemies with as much speed and efficiency. I told you he wouldn't suck, and he doesn't. There is no basis for such a statement when your class is a more effective melee fighter than the dragoon, and more mobile than the rogue. So what do you really want me to do here? Do you want me to balance Fugsnarf's character so that he isn't overpowered? If that's the deal, then the answer is no. That's between me and Fugsnarf. Maybe he has a super extra powered class because I've known him for longer on BYOND. Maybe I like him more. Maybe he's dating my sister. It doesn't matter, that's between me and him, and has no bearing on your character. Do you want me to make your character EVEN MORE effective? Maybe give him 14 points of health, aura regeneration at 10, max aura of 8, the ability to throw as many spears as you want, or to jump whenever you want? How can I add these things to an already overpowered class, without upsetting you by having to nerf him in some other way? I get it, you don't like him. You'd like to have a class more like the barbarian where you can just plow into enemies, die, and then do it again the next wave. Okay, so you're custom character should have been more like that. What am I supposed to do about it, though? Go back and completely redesign your character, all over again, just so I can do this again in a week or so? And you wonder why I stopped making customs? Hell, I was working on those four missing classes before I saw this, now I'll have to do it some other time. So, I'm not angry with you, but I am frustrated. What do you expect me to do? It would be easy as all hell for me to make you even faster, give you a healing spell, a controllable fire snake spell, and 20 points of hp. I could do that in 2 minutes flat. Only then it would completely unbalance the game even more. What do you expect me to do? |
Well, like I stated previously; there's no need for me to have an escape mechanism. I have rogue speed; and being hit already makes it so I can walk over enemies, so if I get gang raped escaping is not a problem.
Thus I figured jump could be more effective. All I want is for jump to be more effective as a combat technique. I don't -need- a speed mechanism. That's like putting training wheels on a bike with monster truck wheels, balance is not the trouble (maneuverability might be though). I use Jump's full extent- jump on an enemies head, kill them. but in return I don't expect to die, or take nearly as much damage. IF you nerfed any other aspect (such as removed Spin altogether because it's pretty useless since I can't get into a crowd without taking damage to spin anyways). Honestly, I'd just like for the classes spells to actually complement each other, as a basic class's spells does. That was the reason certain classes sucked before you buffed them (like pirate, you can place a bomb, but how can you get in and out of a crowd fast enough to plant it and not die without 2 speed, or a druid. Not sure if you made Druid any better but it definitely is not comparable to other tier 2 classes if you didn't upgrade it) I'm not asking you to give him super armor pewpew and make him able to fly/jump infinitely, but I'd like for jump to be used as something more than a flashy way to escape. So far that's all it's useful for since chances are I'll never need to use it because of my speed. Besides, I do know why Fugsnarf's giant is better... he's tan not black. But all trolling aside, my class is useful; but it's like being a Lancer. IT's super cool that you can hit things from far away but... it's just pretty banal otherwise. Giving me jump as an escape maneuver is just like you giving a lancer a technique that attacks enemies that are 2 tiles in front of it in a more flashy manner. If it was going to be made as a useless defense mechanism in addition to the more useful one (speed) then you could've just simply said "Sorry, that's a horrible idea, he's already FAST and I don't plan to make his jump have any special additives" And I constantly bring up Fugsnarf's giant because you keep saying my class is overpowered yet when it came to nerfing, you nerfed certain customs but -not- his. Obviously the choice to nerf must not be between you and the client if you can abruptly nerf one person's without their consent. Perhaps I missed the <small><small><small>fine print that says if you're Iain's best friend or someone who licks up the crumbs from his plate you get a better custom than everyone else's.</small></small></small> Besides, you cancelling customs didn't really help. All it really did was bother me because I would honestly have just bought a second custom to make up for the fact that the first was kind of useless in comparison to others (particularly, but not limitted to Fugsnarf's :D). That's why whenever you're around I don't say "HEY IAIN MY CLASS IS CRAPPY FIX HIM" I say "Are customs open again :D?!?!?" because I'll give you MORE money to make a completely separate custom. But since that's not happening, I've resorted to the latter of the obvious choices. Nagging. |
How about keep speed and remove spin and make javelin take longer to be re-retrieved automatically (instead of 5 seconds 15, or however long it takes + 10 or so seconds)
Or were you trying to suggest that I add such a document to the main website? If you want me to get what you're trying to say, you're going to have to use words, and not just a link.
Personal Rant:
Maybe you're just raging because, in your opinion, your custom isn't up to snuff with the others. Well, too bad. The customs aren't meant to be balanced to each other.
I'm not being unfair here. Each custom character is a custom deal, made to fit the description of the character as agreed upon before any programming ever started. At no time did I ever promise that anyone would get a character "equally cool and effective" as every other custom character, or that I'd go back and add stuff to a character. Otherwise people would leverage that $5 into a lifetime of programming on demand.
I can make someone a custom character, for $0.50, that's completely overpowered and cooler than Mudkips, and there's no reason for anyone else to complain. You got one hell of a deal getting a whole day of my time programming a custom character for you, for only $5. The fact that someone else got a better deal (again, in your opinion) doesn't mean that I have to spend another day rebalancing things.