Aside from adding new waves to the current set of waves you should add different sets of waves so they are different adventures instead of having to go through the same waves every time.
Possible monsters:
Boss: A "Lurker" like monster(from Starcraft Broodwars) that can bury and send spikes up threw the ground so many tiles from itself.
Monster: Mini "Lurkers" that do something similiar just not as harsh.
Boss: A "Frost Dragon"(You know what that is) that slows players down when it casts magic and spews out ice. It is Fast and can fly over things. Should make for a fun boss.
Boss: A Giant "Mirror" monster that summons mirror images of us that does the same stuff as us they look the same just a slight off color. And when you attack it with projectiles it'll launch the same projectile back towards you.
Monster: Mini "Mirrors" that reflect an attack back at you. Best to attack from the side if using a sword otherwise you'll get hit with your own sword.
Boss: "Spirit" that can create Mini Spirits. It moves towards it's enemies.
Monster: Mini "Spirit" that stuns you when it touches you. and vanishes.
Elementals: Fire, Earth, Wind, Water all casting relative abilities to their element.
- Fire: can create walls of fire(lasts temporarily) that hurts players as they move through it. It also spews out fire streams.
- Earth: lifting up the earth(lasts temporarily) to block the path of players and drop Earth on players(shadow to warn players of the falling Earth). The Earth elemental can move through it's barriers destroying them.
- Wind: Blows it's enemies away making it hard to reach him. Also blows miscellaneous objects to hurt it's enemies.
- Water: Sends waves towards people hurting them and pushing them back.
Monsters: Similar to the bosses just smaller and less destructive.
There are some ideas for now. I'll post more later.
![]() Dec 7 2010, 5:07 am
Before people get their hopes up with all these suggestions: New classes are not going to happen. As D4 discovered, there are only 31 slots for classes. Adding a new class would necessitate the removal of another.
This is technically untrue, as there are four slots left: 1 Knight, 1 Priest, 1 Mage; 1 Knight, 1 Priest, 1 Rogue; 1 Knight, 1 Mage, 1 Rogue; 1 Priest, 1 Mage, 1 Rogue; If you'd like to start a different thread for suggestions on these classes, go ahead, just make sure they make sense. 1P1M1R != Weapon Master. Something like that would need at least 2 levels of knight. |
Attack is with a wooden staff.
Z: Casts a ray of lightning in a line for 4 tiles, dealing 2 damage to everything in its path.
X: Gives all friendly mobs within a 1 tile range, including self, a Lightning Shield. The Lightning Shield does not mitigate damage, but damages all attackers for 1 point for up to 3 damage.
C: Casts chain lightning. First target is always the Electromancer himself, and it jumps (chains?) to any mob (friendly and hostile) within 3 tiles. All mobs in the chain are afflicted with 3 damage. Maximum chain length is 5 mobs.
Note: Shields should be able to block the lightning projectiles, the same way it can block any other projectile.
Attack is with a wooden bow and arrow
Z: Casts an aimable fire enchantment. The affected target's default attack is replaced with a fire-enchanted sword that hits for 3 damage. Lasts 15 seconds.
X: Casts a bubble shield. Identical to Minstrel's bubble shield spell.
C: Casts a hasten spell that affects all friendly mobs within a radius of 2 tiles. Hasten increases movement speed (and attack speed?). Lasts 15 seconds.
Attack is with a wooden staff
Z: Casts an aimable projectile. Teleports the caster to the projectile.
X: Casts an aimable projectile. All mobs in a range of 1 to the projectile are webbed (cannot move)
C: Casts an aimable projectile that places a flame, identical to the Sage's fire spell.
Attack is with a wooden spear
Z: Throws a volatile potion up to 3 tiles away. Behaves like a bomb with an instant detonation.
X: Throws a single health potion up to 3 tiles away that behaves like a red fruit when picked up.
C: Throws a single aura potion up to 3 tiles away.
Note: The aura potion should, obviously, use up all of the Alchemist's own aura.
Attack is with a steel spear
Z: Summons the Falconer's familiar, a Falcon. The Familiar can take damage like any other summon, but does not heal to full health when summoned. Damage is persistent. The Familiar is also capable of flight (it can go over all obstacles). Perhaps the Familiar can upgrade itself over time.
X: Toggles the Familiar's mode between Seeking Enemies or Following the Falconer.
C: Revives the Familiar, if it is dead. All Upgrades to the Familiar are reset.
[EDIT]: Heh, I just put together my own classes table here and discovered that there aren't very many unused combinations left, unless you add a fourth tier level. Or if you change it from combinations to permutations...
On the other hand though, I think the classes I suggested really fit well into the holes in the table.
Like, I think Enchantress works well with "K R P" (she can enchant her sword and become a fantastic meleer) and Falconer works well with "K R M" (because "R" and "M" seem to make a lot of summoner classes).
"K P M"? A melee oriented healer caster? Maybe Alchemist?