
This is going to be a pretty big post. If you don't like to read big posts such as this, then turn away now. So... let the reading COMMENCE!

I haven't made a post in a while so I decided to with this. Some of you know that Kirby and I have made a game under the key known as "Gaming Asylum Productions" and the game is called "Freeze Tag HideAway". Well, we've been bringing some major updates to the game recently so all of you really should check it out!

To those of you who play the game regularly, then this is pretty much old news to you. But to new players who haven't seen the game before, I encourage you to give it a try! It's a Nintendo based game (with a few Square-Enix and Konami characters) and it's a new Freeze Tag game! I say it's become one of the best Freeze Tag games on BYOND but I'm not one to brag... much. Even if you don't like Nintendo or any of the above names mentioned, you should still give it a try for it's addicting-ness. I've even caught myself playing that game when I really should be Iconing or doing something else more important. If you're looking for a simple Freeze Tag game with not much to it but just one mode, then check out some of the other games. This game has a lot in it and we wanted it to be that way.

You have all your HUD Buttons for the approriate situation.

HIDE - A button for the Non-IT's. It is used to hide in various objects of the game to escape the sight of IT's.

SHAKE - A button for IT's. It is used to shake a hiding spot and possibly shake the hidden player out. If it is successful, then the hidden player is stunned temporarily for a few seconds allowing the IT to get an instant freeze. The Non-IT CAN escape the hiding place before the IT shakes it to save himself/herself from becoming a victim.

HIT - A button for all players. It is used to "Hit" an item block (If one exists in the board) in hopes of a possible item coming out. If an item DOES pop out, then you use the following button to claim it.

GET - A button for all players. It is used to grab an item that has come out of an item box. You have to be standing near it to actually grab it. This also means that another player can "Get" your item that you hit out of the box if you're not quick enough. So be careful and have a watchful eye of your surroundings.

FIRE - A button for all players who have gotten the Fireflower. Basically, it is used to "Fire" a fireball at other players. The effects for it are explained below.

As I am currently typing this post, we only have one item in the game. More WILL be coming in future updates so don't worry. That item is known as the:

Fireflower - Seen in almost every Mario game. The Fireflower, upon touch, has the power to grant the user the ability to throw fireballs. Even on some characters (In the future, ALL characters) it will change your attire to a suited "Fire Suit" for the game so people know you are packing some power.

The Fireflower has different effects and I shall explain them.

If an IT shoots a Non-IT, the Non-IT is immediately defeated and turned into a Boo disqualifying him/her from the round. A quick method to end the round and win it for the IT's.

If a Non-IT shoots an IT, the IT is immobilized in a ring of fire for about 5 to 10 seconds. This does not mean that the Non-IT can stand beside the IT without fear. They are only immobilized and are still, technically, able to reach and freeze you if you are right bedside them.

If a Non-IT shoots another Non-IT, it will unfreeze the player from a distance if they are currently frozen. If they shoot a fellow unfrozen Non-IT, then you will catch them on fire and they will run around without their control for a few seconds. This isn't recommended but just a fun little feature mainly used for a side mode explained below.

If a IT shoots an IT, the same thing happens if a Non-IT shoots a unfrozen Non-IT. They will catch fire and run around without the players control.

So, theres the description of the only item we CURRENTLY have in the game. I now shall explain the modes.

We currently have 3 modes to the game (4 if you include the side mode) which are:

1. Standard Freeze Tag - A standard mode that you would expect to be in all Freeze Tag games. One person is IT and the others run away from him/her. If the IT tags the Non-IT, they are frozen until a fellow Non-IT comes by and unfreezes them. Tagged enough times, then the Non-IT becomes an IT and helps out the original IT in their conquest for everyone to be frozen. The IT's win if all are frozen and the Non-IT's win if one or more survive until the time limit is up.

2. Sudden Death Tag - This mode really doesn't contain "freezing" but it's still related to Tag nontheless. In Sudden Death Tag, every Non-IT is basically given one chance to survive. Once tagged by the IT, they immediately transform into a Boo and are disqualified from the round. This will go on untill the IT wins by defeating everyone or the Non-IT's survive the time limit and take the win.

3. Survival Freeze Tag - Basically, this is a really simple mode but, at the same time, an addicting one. Basically, all your HUD buttons are removed. You cannot Shake, you cannot Hide, you cannot Hit, and you cannot Get. There is no time limit to this round. Instead, the timer will count up showing how long the round has been going on. It takes the same rules as Standard Freeze Tag, one player is randomly IT while the Non-IT's must run from him. The catch is, everyone must be frozen or IT for the IT's to win. Kinda like a normal situation in the other Modes. At 500 seconds, a random player will be randomly chosen to become IT. This happens again at 1000, 1500, 2000, and so on... until everyone is frozen or IT. This IS a game that only IT's can win. But the time will be recorded for Non-IT's so they can show off how long they have lasted to the other players that they are one good Survivor.

4. Fire Fight (Side Mode) - This is a random occurrence. It is a 1 in 13 chance of it happening. When a mode starts and this happens, then it will announce in the chat that it is a Fire Fight. All players will be given a Fireflower status and have 10 lives. Players have to shoot each other until all players run out of their 10 lives and become Boo's. An addicting little mode that we added to the game.

So, that's basically all of the major updated things to the game besides a few bugs being fixed and whatnot. You'll see the list of characters on the HUB so I won't list them here. Come and check this game out! We've been working on it for a while and we've gotten some good results so far.
Good job, you are much better than me at reporting updates, I'm usually updating the game slightly everyday, so its hard to keep up with the minor ones. I'll update the HUB with the newest version tonight, although for now I'm keeping an almost 24/7 server up.