Right not only have I been muted for no reason because I brought up legitimate concerns and my opinion, but A1 has been targeting me for no fucking actual reasons ever since I was given one last chance.
They not only decided to mute my ooc, my looc and Ahelp but they give bullshit reasons such as https://gyazo.com/6b56d950283bee7c324b3d7988bdb5ae
But now I have been kicked from the discord for unjust reasons because I called them out on their fucking abuse? Just because the man doesnt like me he is doing it in his best to harass a player.
Well he is the biggest fucking hypocrite out there. All because I expressed that you shouldnt be able to borg your own fucking body if you are dead if it was fucking buried.
He muted me yesterday because I was told IC about someone being attacked and that someone was probably dying from someone I was IC near who had adopted said person, so I went with them, especially after I said that if he ever needed anything id help them.
This is getting outrageous that I am being targeted when they litterally just sit back and do nothing about anyone else. Fuck admin 1 and fuck his constant abuse towards myself.
Yet he does nothing to the other players, and has only targeted me as such. Doesnt care about any harrasment from other people or anything like that. I havent once seen him mute anyone else. Especially for no reason.
I would really like to know what misinformation I was spreading because I havent spread a single word of misinformation that I am aware of. If I had admins would have fucking said something to me long ago. He was just looking for reasons to mute me.
No hard coded admins or abusive owners.
No bias. No P2W elements. Fair to all players.
Seems fucking wrong having that in the actual overview of the game. I know he isnt an owner but straight up feels like it sometimtes.
As for me being a prick? Yeah I can be a prick, but everyone was being a prick to me yuski started to jump on my fucking dick because I told them the reason why robot limbs were nerfed was because of the obscene gravity people were using them to get as they just had to repair them, hell Enic and the other changlings admited to it, Manlypink Jupiter did the exact same thing so did alot of people Once Heal was nerfed.
And apparently that is being a prick and bitching to dick riders like Yuski. Who went after me cause thats bitching even when I agreed with the person who was actually fucking complaining about the cooldown being long, that the cooldown should be lower.
Or Vornix in the discord who constantly disagreed with me and constantly argued with me calling me wrong and everything else first, to constantly type and not wait for any response, even when I asked him to let me respond and so on and so fourth.
But apparently no I constantly call everyone wrong, and Im constantly a self righteous prick in the eyes of Admin 1 even though I rarely if ever talk in the discord or OOC anymore. But hey im just a straight prick right? Just cause I am not afraid to call him out on his bullshit.
Deliberately harassing members of the community will not be tolerated. Any forms of racism, homophobia, transphobia and hate speech will not be tolerated and result in an immediate mute or ban depending on the severity of the situation.
Not saying I didnt deserve the ban I had gotten earlier and before, I did and I let that shit die, I didnt even expect people to forget it but the harrasment on this game needs to be adressed. And it isnt from just the admins but the playerbase as well.
guess rules dont apply to admins and admin friends. Sorry not Admins, ADMIN 1.
What started all this Enic/Krizzard was killed a few days ago, while he was in the afterlife in Hell of all places. There his body was, it was buried and so on as they were unable to move/destroy said body due to limitations in the code and so fourth.
Asbel even said he tried to move it to the checkpoint but they couldn't change its z plane, and so he went over every tile with a repeating macro to check where his body was just to abuse a mechanic in the game to come back to life, and with Instant Teleportation he was able to exit the afterlife and admins allowed this cause hey why not they are probably best friends at this point.
Admin 5 was there overseeing everything, and I was giving my honest opinion as to why we shouldnt be able to interact with our own dead bodies, even if we "died" in hell and so fourth. Much like how we are not supposed to interact with our own items and so on unless someone else held onto them first etc.
Then I find out that I was looc muted after the conversations after everything had been finished not by admin 5 who seems cool. But admin 1 who obviously hates me. He muted me before the previous day with the example of Wulf being telepathied by Might Skaoi that he was probably dying. Might is his adopted son, and Wulf is a friend of my character.
So I offered to go with him once he told me. Apparently this is ooc cliques but I never even met Wulf or Might in discord ooc anything, I just met them on Earth like a week ago etc and we vibed.
Was the only one muted because Admin 1 didnt like me saying 2 not 5 people showed up like he said.
So yes blatent admin 1 targeted harrasment.
![]() May 16 2023, 6:16 am (Edited on May 16 2023, 3:26 pm)
*Crip walks into the scene*
First off, fuck you and the clique you came. Secondly, you have a few things misconstrued. Despite what you may FEEL about the game, A1, the players, and Yuski.. Youre intolerable. Youre toxic. Youre annoying and youre still immature. You act the same way today as you did 12 years ago and thats not okay. Have you been wronged? Probably. Have you been roasted in OOC? Absolutely. Any regrets from us? Nope. Will you get over it? Yup. |
I don't even know how I got roped in to this. We tried having some discussions on the game in discord, this man would type a sentence, I'd respond to it, then he'd freak out saying I wasn't letting him type... Roshambo you do realize you can type more than one sentence at a time, clearly you do from this college essay of you bitching and moaning. So why are you saying I wasn't letting you talk?
8===D + :O = Me and your Momma