Hello BYOND Peeps...
I am currently making a couple of games but have no fully made game of my own on BYOND...
However, I have agreed to Host AdamAI for Zelldot on BYOND...
My server is the 24/7 Official Server.
I have noticed that when I first login or talk to AdamAI it shows my Server as Active [1 Member] in the BYOND Pager, but if I go AFK for awhile it doesn't show my Server in the BYOND Pager and doesn't even show [Players 1] in the BYOND Pager...
Is there any way to fix this, should we have a Command the Pings the server every 5 minutes?
(This is the Server I am hosting when the server has been active for up to 5 minutes): https://ibb.co/Y0rFScp
(This is the same Server being hosted as 24/7 Official Server when slightly inactive): https://ibb.co/Y3MJQPt
On the BYOND Website it will always show this Server while being hosted, but on the BYOND Pager it doesn't say Hosted [0 Players Online], it just goes blank, how would we fix this problem?
Apr 27 2023, 10:08 pm
May 1 2023, 4:04 am
Are you hosting by Dream Daemon?