Nested associative lists appears to be copied when using Copy() but all changes to the new list also affect the old list.
Numbered Steps to Reproduce Problem:
1. Create a nested associative list
2. Copy the first list into a second list.
3. Increment the copied second list.
4. Check first list, see that it has changed.
Code Snippet (if applicable) to Reproduce Problem:
var/testassoc[]=list("one" = list("a" = 1, "b" = 2, "c" = 3, "d" = 4), "two" = list("e" = 5, "f" = 6))
usr << "----ORIGINAL LIST----"
for(var/a in testassoc)
for(var/b in testassoc[a])
usr << "[b] = [testassoc[a][b]]"
usr << "----COPY LIST----"
for(var/a in assoc)
for(var/b in assoc[a])
assoc[a][b] ++
usr << "[b] = [assoc[a][b]]"
for(var/a in testassoc)
for(var/b in testassoc[a])
usr << "[b] = [testassoc[a][b]]"
Expected Results:
Old list remains the same, copied list's values are incremented by one.
Actual Results:
Both lists are incremented.
Does the problem occur:
Everytime. This occurs whenever you trying to set testassoc[a][b] to a value, even if trying to set it directly.
It also occurs when modifying the above to be
var/list/assoc = list()
assoc = testassoc.Copy()
When does the problem NOT occur?
Seemingly never.
Did the problem NOT occur in any earlier versions? If so, what was the last version that worked? (Visit to download old versions for testing.)
This occurs in both Stable & Beta latest. Seemingly always occurs.