So I was testing the new CLI DD and noticed we now have an issue with JSON decoding, specifically it can no longer work on large datasets (I havnt tested small but it definitely breaks on 2MB JSON files)
Occurs in CLI DD:
Occurs in windowed DD:
Numbered Steps to Reproduce Problem:
1. Decode massive JSON
2. Observe
Code Snippet (if applicable) to Reproduce Problem:
var/json_data = file2text("./large_json.json") // Profiler data from paradise. Its a big json.
var/json_object = json_decode(json_data)
The JSON in question can be found at
Expected Results:
It to decode
Actual Results:
It did not decode
Does the problem occur:
Every time? Or how often? Every time
In other games? No idea, probably
In other user accounts? No idea, probably
On other computers? No idea, probably
When does the problem NOT occur?
Any version prior to this
Did the problem NOT occur in any earlier versions? If so, what was the last version that worked? (Visit to download old versions for testing.)
Worked fine in any version prior to this
Dont try decode 2 megabytes of JSON
I'm super confused, because no changes were made to the JSON decoding code at all in this release.
Okay, I discovered this is running into an out-of-memory condition. I find that extremely strange since I can't see any reason even this large file would result a situation like that. I'm researching to find out why the memory is going way up. If you can narrow down for sure that this only happens in 1599 or if it's happening in earlier versions too, that'd be helpful.
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I see the issue and this absolutely can't be new to 1599. I know the code responsible was touched in the 515 period but it definitely wasn't touched in the last few weeks.