
Still cracking away at Core. Just tonight I decided to handle my walls a little differently. Rather than have a "side" mesh for the ends of the walls, I decided to just make generic wall "ends" for corners and ends of walls. So far, it looks a lot better. I've also been doing a lot of work on getting a map editor going so I can hand it over to DasFalke and have him start getting to work on some maps. It's tedious but handy being able to design my own map editing system. I hope to make it as intuitive as possible so I don't have stupid little things slowing down the world building process. I won't be using it for Maeva, but I've begun implementation of Newton Physics into Core, which I'll be using for other projects down the road. It's going to be really nice having a BYOND-like platform to build on when I want to start working on all these other projects.
Looks good, though you might want to get a new grass texture. That one just looks kind of flat. Of course, you could also take the Oblivion approach and spam grass meshes to make the grass look like it has depth.
Yeah Erron what's up with your grass?