If you want to pay but don't have a credit card for paypal, here are two other options:

Get a paypal account, and then connect it to your bank account. From what I know, you can use your bank account to transfer money into paypal. I'm pretty sure this is possible, though personally there is a better way (below).

Get a debit card. Of course your parents don't trust you with a credit card, but what trust can't they have if you can't spend more than you have put into the card? This is what I do. You can get one from your bank, it works just like a credit card when doing things online like paypal.

If you have no choice and can't pay, here are some options you can look at:

Use MSN Messenger, AIM, or Yahoo, etc.

If that isn't possible, try free online forums or free online chatrooms and get all of your friends to do the same. It ISN'T that hard to do.

Just whatever you do, I don't want to hear anymore of this "BYOND IS STUPID BECAUSE I WANT EVERYTHING TO GO MY WAY ALL THE TIME!" B.S. At least make yourself seem intelligent by making better arguments than "I want everything my way, and if not it all sucks."

Very true.

Alot of people like me can't get credit cards or debit cards (not until I'm 16 for a DC -_-), but they can all still get a Paypal account as long as you have a bank account, I've discovered.

As for the people who say $15 a year is just too much to spend to begin with for them, I seriously question why they even are spending the money for internet.

Whatever. There'll always be those people who like to make trouble. -_-;

Kunark. I love you.
...In a totally strait way of course.
Uhem, nice ideas but one incy bitsy problem. We are not pissed that the price is to high, were mad they're taking what was free before and making it cost money. To give an example; pretend that the internet was free (it never was but...) and everyone got a computer for free (hah!). Now then, all the sudden the internet is no longer free, it costs 50$ a month to get on it. The computers you can get for free just not the internet. This is really far fetched example but it's the best I can do on the fly @_@
Think about having probably over a hundred dollars a month drained out of you because you have a website that you are expected to keep up.

What would you rather have, have it pay for a very unnecissary feature like the pager, or have BYOND shut down? Those are your two choices.

Whether you like it or not, life is not free. And remember, that nothing is free. Anything you get for free was probably payed by for someone else. In this case, Dantom.
Uhem, he's still keeping the pager so he must STILL pay for it. Where you guys think he's saving money now by cutting it I don't get. This might accutaly cost him more because he must moniter who is and who isn't a member, a code must activate for a member to non-member chat, and it goes through all it's same paces.
Bon: That has got to be one of the stupidest things I've ever heard. o_o;;; How is checking if you're a member or not going to cost more than constantly checking and locating every person in your friend's list, reporting it back to you, and allowing you to send messages to them?

meh. I don't know alot on the subject so I'm not going to go into it. I do have common sense though. -_-

*leaves the technical corrections to someone more intelligent*

Please read the announcement. It shows you what costs come from where. This will dramatically cut down the cost they had to pay for from the pager, because non-members will no longer be bogging the servers down with "hi lol how r u" and "come and join dragonball gt experience its teh bomb", only the handful of subscribers (really, only a handful for an entire year) will be sending messages.

If it is such a great feature that you love, then it's obvious it's worth paying for it. You can get the money somehow, and you can pay Dantom somehow. You pay for it, you won't have this problem. it sounds like it's worht mowing a single lawn.
Just a few things. 1. Parents don't trust me with any credit cards. 2. Parents think I'll spend my money "un-wisely" and won't let me touch my account till I move out. 3. As you said there, a handfull. If 1,000 people pay BYOND and only 40% pay 15$ dollars a year that only gives them 6,000 dollars. Now that seems a wee bit overkill if their bill is only 100 dollars a month don't you think? With that much money they could buy a damn car!
If they got $6000, they could buy more servers. The ones right now aren't the most reliable things I've ever seen. It's also paying them to work on 4.0 more (we hope). It's paying them to be able to have fun stuff like winning something I assume (hey it'd be fun).

Who knows. I don't care if they get more than they need if they do. It's not like $15 from each of us is overkill.

If you can't touch your bank account or a credit card, set up your own. o_o; I'm 14 and have gotten both on my own online with no problems. I'm sure your parents will let you spend $15 a year though. -_-;;;

Whatever. I'm getting tired of arguing. I'm missing Hannibal now to be here. T_T

Uhem, if it factor in 5% for the people with 30$ it equals a new total of 7500$. Now factoring in costs to run BYOND it should come out to 5,850, if they have jobs even more. Ladies and gentelman I can't believe that this is going behind what DanTom said about BYOND, that it wouldn't be used to make money. Their brainchild is becoming a money cow...behold the power of the darksid o.o
I'm pretty sure it's over 100 dollars, and remember, that would be a month, so that would be 1,200 a year, but that's not even it.

Also, if you don't understand economics, don't bother trying to understand it unless you learn about it. 1000 people WILL NOT pay for BYOND. At most, they are going to get like, 50 people paying for it in the year, and maybe a little bit more the next year. They ARE NOT goingg to make much of a profit from it if any at all. And if they do? so what? They deserve it more than people like Aaiko, and currently he's made more than Dantom have made their entire BYOND career, I bet.
Then that would be less making him LOSE money still! He'll make 750 dollars then according to your caculations.
You're right! Kudos! But at least they won;t be losing as much!
*sigh* Let's hope that his new features don't come back and cost him more.

Side note: Most players will use the old DM and still get a pager so it will proably backfire miserably and he'll get rid of this silly no pager.
Stop your silly delusions. They can easily put a check to make sure they don't get away with that, remember it uses their servers and it travels through their servers.

They WILL NOT make it free again.
*gasp* So your saying that they'll be making it a pain in the ass to talk to friends?
It's only a pain in the ass if you make it one.
Aaiko? I don't make any money... And that was kind of mean... Heh. Anyways, Iccusion makes the money, not me. Besides, I've already told Tom, Gug, Lummox, Nadrew, Darke, and all of the other BYOND guys that I would be donating a couple hundred dollars to them from the Iccusion fund. The money made goes to keeping our games up anyways.
Bon babbles:
...that only gives them 6,000 dollars. Now that seems a wee bit overkill if their bill is only 100 dollars a month don't you think? With that much money they could buy a damn car!

you forget that $6000 is hardly 2-3 months salary for many professional positions. aside from server and bandwidth costs, people have to eat, pay bills, use gas and electricity, etc. $6-grand is nothing when you have mouths to feed. they cannot live on BYOND donations, but it will surely cut into the expenses they make for this community.

besides, they both already have cars. :)
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