Are you fully vaccinated and boosted? Have you gotten your flu shot this year? Perhaps the combo shot? Well, you may be in for a rough ride. A new trend is taking place in obituaries around the globe. Unexpected, sudden, heart-related deaths and deaths from unknown causes are now the top causes in many countries. Previously healthy people developing severe heart problems and cancers, strokes and palsy is becoming unignorable. The UK is seeing over 1,0000 excess deaths PER WEEK. That's deaths from unknown causes above the normal rate of death for the population. An alarming increase. The leading cause of death in Alberta Canada is now Uknown Causes.
We know the cause. It's the covid vaccine. Specificallly, it's the mRNA component that produces the spike protiens which form large masses of material the block arteries. The mRNA component that the experts assure us is harmless and is cleared out of the body in a short time. That doesn't move from the injection area. The same mRNA we've subsequently found in every bodily fluid, including genital secretions, sweat, and breast milk. We're still waiting for a single person to show no sign of the mRNA in their system, and it's been years now.
This vaccine was never properly tested. It was pushed on the public with full assurances that it was completely safe and 100% effective. We were told that we can't get the virus if we're fully vaccinated and boosted, and yet, people who are, are still dying from covid.
The rates of death amongst the young is especially alarming. The human population is already suffering a massive decline in fertility, with many groups showing rates far below the replacement rate for reproduction. The population is about to take a serious nosedive, and nobody is talking about the very real possibility of the extinction of the species.
The next decade will be unlike anything we've seen before, as economies and populations collapse. World governments turn to totalitarian solutions, and powerful interests take hold of thw decision making for everyone else. We already see this taking place with the WEF and ESG funding.
What can be done? I don't know, but something must, if we want to survive as a species. Being informed is always the first step to change. Recognizing the issues we face helps us make better choices in our lives. Now is the time to get informed. If you survive the current government-mandated genocide, we'll need you to help rebuild.
By the way, the FBI recently admitted that they played a part in killing JFK. Call me a conspiracy theorists all you like. At the point, it just means I'm right given enough time. And I always have been. Everytime.
![]() Jan 4 2023, 8:28 am
![]() Jan 4 2023, 10:23 am
Have you considered that these forums aren't the platform you should be using to doomsay or raise awareness yet
Spevacus wrote:
Have you considered that these forums aren't the platform you should be using to doomsay or raise awareness yet Nope, and I never will. I've been posting this sort of material here since 2003. Don't get all offended about it now after 20 years. Besides, I like you people. Sharing my concerns with my friends sounds appropriate to me. Why not to you? Is there some new rule now that only applies to me that restricts me from posting this? If so, no fault of mine for not knowing about it. |
Xooxer wrote:
Is there some new rule now that only applies to me that restricts me from posting this? ![]() |
My wife and I did a lot of research before we got vaccinated, including watching a long podcast with Robert Malone. To my understanding the issue isn't the mRNA; mRNA vaccine technology is pretty darn safe and mRNA does not persist in the body. The main concern was the spike protein itself having potential toxic effects if it migrated beyond the vaccination site.
After we did all our research we went ahead and got vaccinated. I think it's foolish to say there are no risks at all, and the heavy censorship surrounding the issue did not help anything, but I also do think the safety is generally pretty good. All medical procedures and treatments come with risks, and people need to be well informed. I don't stand with fearmongers on this, but I understand the concerns. |
I'll just leave this here.
[edit] So now that I'm done with work, let's clean this up. These links are to a video hosting website called Odysee. These used to be available on YouTube, but they have been systematically removed, lest you learn the truth. Now you can't find them unless you know where to look. Google doesn't bring them up. YouTube doesn't have them. That's 90% of the population cut off from information they should have access to. The US government is behind this blacklisting, of course. It's no secret that the FBI and the White House have censored people on many media sites. Zuckerberg told us. Musk told us and showed us the proof. The White House told us, although, they likely didn't realize it. We noticed. Oh, and to Lummox. You claiming that mRNA vaccines are "pretty dern safe" shows me that you don't understand what mRNA vaccines are. It's genetic code inserted into the cell, as viruses are wont to do. We hijack their function to insert our own code. It's a hack, and while most hacks are harmless, you can't honestly claim they are "pretty dern safe". Sometimes they cause great harm. WikiLeaks, anyone? You don't know what the code was that you put in your body. You trusted (your first mistake) that the government wouldn't lie and manipulate you. They have. Blatantly. Right out in the open. Caught in 4K. It wasn't that hard to notice, either. You see, what started to happen was they started saying it out loud, on video. People are just so wrapped up in the distractions and virtue signalling that any question of the pandemic sat them too close to BAD ORANGE MAN and FAR RIGHT EXTREMISTS. And they can't have that. They gotta comply. Go with the herd. Make sure everyone sees them being a good little sheep. Wear the mask. Two. Heck, why not three? More virtue more better, right? They gotta get that jab. St. Floyd in Heaven forbid they make an informed choice based on risk, and people find out they're not fully jabbed and boosted! Other people might call THEM those terrible names they call me. Conspiracy Theorist. Crazy. Deplorable. Criminal. Selfish. Nazi. Fascist. Racist. Misogynist. Homophobe. Evil. Violent. Hateful. You've claimed I'm just playing victim. See it from this side of the fence. It's been nothing but attack after attack after attack from the mainstream and the general public. for YEARS. Whiteness is a sin. Masculinity is toxic. Conservatives are every evil thing they can think up. Free speech is a dog whistle. Choosing what to put in my body is vile selfishness. We hate women, gays, ethnic minorities, science, on and on and on. Everyday like a drumbeat. Yeah, I am a victim. As is everyone who doesn't identify as woke. As progressive. As compliant and obedient and silent. When you protest, cities burn. When we protest, it's worse than 9/11. The biggest attack on democracy in the history of everness! OMG! The leftwing extremist rhetoric lead to violence. I covered that already. Well, a sliver of it. I can't write a nine page reply. That's a special rule for me, not for you. That's okay. I'm used to rules for me, but not for thee. It's standard practice now. You can call for my head, but I can't even say anything towards child molesters without someone going off on some personal offense nonsense. It's insane. So, call me crazy. At this point, it's a badge of honor. You know what's the best part about being a conspiracy theorist? Not dying from myocarditis. Died Suddenly Documentary covering the large numbers of otherwise healthy young people dying from "unknown causes", and the morticians and coroners who've performed the autopsies, and what they found. (GRAPHIC CONTENT WARNING)$/embed/@Honkler:0/ diedsuddenlyfullmovie:7?r=9QpK6s7WzQxbNDt514Rdx8nfcXruMGey The "vaccine" is everywhere. mRNA for everyone!$/embed/@Honkler:0/ mrnaeverywhereduetovaccineshedding:a?r=9QpK6s7WzQxbNDt514Rdx 8nfcXruMGey Did you chose not to get vaxxed? Uh oh! You just caught it from your date.$/embed/@Honkler:0/ mRNAtransferringfromvaxxedtounvaxxed:f?r=9QpK6s7WzQxbNDt514R dx8nfcXruMGey They're dying down under.$/embed/@Honkler:0/ vaxdieoffhappeninginAustralia:d?r=9QpK6s7WzQxbNDt514Rdx8nfcX ruMGey I can post more, but I have to go back to work. Stay frosty, my chads! |
I am curious what risk value you gave the Covid vaccine. Do you know what the survivability rate of Covid is? 99.975%
You had a 0.025% chance of dying from Covid. That's across the board. Irregardless of comorbidity or contributing factors, such as weight or age. I wonder what you consider research when no data was available on the vaccine or its effectiveness. No long term studies. Nothing. What, exactly, was weighed in that risk assessment? How could you even assess risk with no information? "Well, I like pie, and this mud pie is a pie, so going by what I know about pies (I like), then I like mud pie!" Was that about the gist of it? I don't see how it could have been otherwise. You either pulled something from your backside to justify a decision you already made based on emotional manipulation by every voice you hear, or you're lying to me. I have never known you to be a liar, so.... It baffles me how you can say something so patently ignorant, and at the same time be so very intelligent. I had the same confusion during our 9/11 chats. Oh, and I was right about 9/11. Just wait. You'll see. "Xooxer was right" will be trending one day. Mark my words. "Alex Jones was right" already is. |
Xooxer wrote:
Alex Jones was right Y'all remember FEMA death camps? The Obama administration stockpiling ammo to do a coup to stay in power past his second term? Covidspiracy is brought to you by the same alt right media talking heads as the last two. Xooxer wrote: I wonder what you consider research when no data was available on the vaccine or its effectiveness. No long term studies. Nothing. What, exactly, was weighed in that risk assessment? How could you even assess risk with no information? I'm just quoting the reason this thread got locked. Before it happened. With my magical powers of understanding cause and effect. Don't mind me. ![]() |
Remember gay frogs? Alex was right. That's actually related to this topic. You see, the water is full of hormones. It disrupts natural growth processes. Ever wonder why the gay population exploded in the 21st century? It's due to all the estrogenic compounds from.plastics and the pill. It's not a conspiracy, just pollution, but the effect is still there. Less humans born who will reproduce. Fertility rates are plumeting worldwide. Sperm counts are falling like a stone. Nobody is, and it's largely due to hormonal pollution, the same pollution that turned the frags gay, or queer, if you prefer.
Covidspiracy. Nice. I'm gonna steal that. I was using Branch Covidians. So far, your powers of precognition haven't served you well. I was unaware that talking heads had the supernatural ability to cause people to die suddenly by blocking their arteries with spike protiens. Truly monsterous. Back to the topic... Population collapse is a phrase you will be hearing a lot. Between the dropping fertility rates, the sudden deaths of healthy young people, THOTery, abortion, the pill, transing the kids, and people just not wanting to grow up and raise a family (that would cut into ther debauchery time), babies are becoming a novelty. This is an extinction event in slow motion, and the vax doesn't help matters. The economy is a house of cards. It has been for a long time. It's not sustainable as is. Digital currencies will be the next attempt, but that comes with its own issues. If you don't pay your bills, you lights get cut off. If you don't obey your owners, your dollars get cut off. Social credit is doing wonders for China right now. Imagine what it can do for you. |
Oh, look. A solution. Pod babies! solution-musks-fear-population-collapse-153649721.html That's not dystopian at all! Oh, boy. Was I wrong! It's fine now.We can just grow babies like in the Matrix and plug them into the Metaverse! What a world! |
o shit you mean to tell me i got a free vasectomy with my free shot? that's a win-win baybee
Albro1 wrote:
o shit you mean to tell me i got a free vasectomy with my free shot? that's a win-win baybee They do say every cloud has a silver lining. I, for one, will enjoy inheriting the Earth. |
We've already inherited the earth, silly goose. Then we are gonna die and leave it to whoever is next. Silly goose.
Me. I'm next. Thanks for all the coffee and chocolate. I'm sure it'll last me until the end of days.