Or wanted to burn a jewish flag like this?
Well then i've got great news for you. Your going to die a horrible painful death. Harassing someone because they are gay or they are jewish is incredibly inexcusable.
Nobody can help how they are born and whether your jewish, christian, or even muslim. The fact that people harass and kill people over the fact that they were born a certain way, or believe in a certain thing. How dare anyone judge anyone else by how they look or believe it's absolutely unacceptable.
The other day I was visiting a local Mc.Donalds and I saw that some kids had etched some swastikas onto a table. The fact that children are growing up with even a thought of racism is absolutely horrible. I see kids leaving school calling certain students jews or even harassing someone because he or she is atheist. Alot of the time children see racism as a way to get a quick laugh and offend someone they do not like. This can easily grow into racism and prejudice against not only the person but against other groups of people.
So basically what im trying to say, don't even attempt to be racist, not to be funny or to make someone mad. If all else fails make fun of there hair or there clothing, make fun of things that they choose todo, but what ever you do, don't make fun of who they are.
Just kiddin', it's so easy to fall to racism... and most people denying being racist (even though "everyone's a little bit racist") or are not even aware (sadly, I do know someone like that..)