Applies to:Dream Maker
Status: Open

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Grids. They sound great on paper. A dynamic table of items. Thing is, they're so limited they're not worth much except to dynamically list things that you don't care how they are presented. A list of names of users. A series of clickable images that do something. Yeah, that's about it.

You can't determine the size of grid cells in any way. That's a major handicap. That makes them less useful than HTML tables. They can't even do what a table does. Oh, you want 3 columns of different widths? No. You can't have that. DS knows how best to present your game, so don't you worry your little head over it.

You can only place one image in one cell. No more. That's a real use-killer. So much can be done if this were not the case. Want to use grids as chat output? Nope. Your users can only have one emoji per message. Sorry!

You can only have one formatting style per cell. Why? Why limit each cell to being either bold or underlined or a single text color? Again, this makes many use cases non-viable with grids. Want to display a fancy text message? Nope. You get bold blue text, and you'll be happy we gave you that.

Grids suck. For anything cool or useful, they're not. All they do is list text or images with a scrollbar that appears if the cells exceed the visible space. You can't use them for anything useful. They don't allow any reasonable cusomization. You can't say, this column should be 25% as wide as the grid element. Nope. It's always set for you.

If you want us to mak gam (so cringe, btw), give us tools that are great. Grids are not great. Grids blow chunks. Hard.

So hard.

I can sympathize with your discontent for grids, however, a clear list of wants/needs for grids to function on a usable level for you would be beneficial for this feature request. What I've gleaned so far from this post is:

1. Ability to dictate the size of grid cells. I assume margin options would be great, too.
2. Ability to dictate the width of columns individually.
3. Content flexibility: One image per cell is too restrictive. One formatting per cell is too restrictive.

Maybe iterate off of that?
Yeah, this could have been stated better. I gave up on grids when I read the restrictions.
I think being able to output a list to grid element would also be nice.

It gets quite laggy with high cell count when you try to build the grid in 1 go.

In response to Rotem12
Rotem12 wrote:
I think being able to output a list to grid element would also be nice.

It gets quite laggy with high cell count when you try to build the grid in 1 go.

Isn't that already a thing? I think it is.
In response to Xooxer
I tried outputting a list of objects hoping it'd work, it didn't, you have to actually go 1 by 1 I believe.

It might work with text maybe? Or some other thing I'm not doing well but then the reference doesn't mention lists at all.

If you got a working example I'd appreciate a look.

Format: output(msg, control)
Args: msg
Text, an atom, a file, or null
ID of a control in the players skin, or null for the default
You're probably right. It's been a minute since I really got down and dirty with grids. I thought you could just output a list. I may fiddle with a test world later, but if it's not in the reference, it probably isn't possible.