world.Profile now runtimes and returns null when it did not use to.
Numbered Steps to Reproduce Problem:
Code Snippet (if applicable) to Reproduce Problem:
var/profile_result = world.Profile(PROFILE_REFRESH, format = "json")
world.log << "[DM_VERSION]: [profile_result || "null??"]"
This code, when run on 515, spits out the following runtime:
runtime error: illegal use of list2args() or named parameters proc name: test profile (/mob/verb/test_profile) source file:,2 usr: (src) src: Jaredfogle (/mob/dude) src.loc: the white (9,7,1) (/turf/white) call stack: Jaredfogle (/mob/dude): test profile()
...while in 514, this works fine.
When removing format and just putting in:
var/profile_result = world.Profile(PROFILE_REFRESH, "json")
world.log << "[DM_VERSION]: [profile_result || "null??"]"
...will give "null??" when in 515, but the expected list of procs in 514.