The world.Profile() proc was not behaving correctly, resulting in runtime errors.
BYOND Version:515.1596
Operating System:Windows 10 Enterprise
Web Browser:Firefox 107.0
Applies to:Dream Daemon
Status: Resolved (515.1598)

This issue has been resolved.
Descriptive Problem Summary:
world.Profile now runtimes and returns null when it did not use to.

Numbered Steps to Reproduce Problem:

Code Snippet (if applicable) to Reproduce Problem:

var/profile_result = world.Profile(PROFILE_REFRESH, format = "json")
world.log << "[DM_VERSION]: [profile_result || "null??"]"

This code, when run on 515, spits out the following runtime:

runtime error: illegal use of list2args() or named parameters
proc name: test profile (/mob/verb/test_profile)
  source file:,2
  usr: (src)
  src: Jaredfogle (/mob/dude)
  src.loc: the white (9,7,1) (/turf/white)
  call stack:
Jaredfogle (/mob/dude): test profile()

...while in 514, this works fine.

When removing format and just putting in:

var/profile_result = world.Profile(PROFILE_REFRESH, "json")
world.log << "[DM_VERSION]: [profile_result || "null??"]"

...will give "null??" when in 515, but the expected list of procs in 514.
Bump. Hard to test if 515 locked changes improve performance if the thing to measure performance is yorked
Lummox JR resolved issue with message:
The world.Profile() proc was not behaving correctly, resulting in runtime errors.