I lost a two hour reply I wrote in reponse to ter13's accusations. I am very not happy at being censored like this.
I didn't think you had the balls to be openly abusive towards me. My mistake. Koz is right. Imagine my shock.
I will be replying to ter's hysterical libel soon enough. This has not run its course.
![]() Dec 13 2022, 10:20 pm
![]() Dec 13 2022, 10:21 pm
Oh, and thanks for confirming my suspicions about your moderation policies. It really sucks being right all the time.
I will be replying to ter's hysterical libel soon enough. This has not run its course. Why just one callout thread? Why not go for several, and while you are at it, post more inflammatory racist content and fantasize about extrajudicial killings. In fact, I think it's high time you educate us on how all non-whites in America are really what's wrong with it, and how without forced relocations of all non-christians, this country is doomed. I know none of us has even considered this. Really just test those free speech waters, my guy. If you don't, how will we ever discover the bars to our cage and be set free from LummoxJR's liberal tyranny? Pls save us, enlightened libertarian daddy, O alabaster god emperor, captain, my captain. In all seriousness, lemme explain to you how this is gonna go. You're gonna post a long-winded rant. It's gonna sit here for a few hours, and I'm gonna keep replying, amused by your attempts to get under my skin. And you're gonna keep turning the heat up. And then you're gonna get another thread locked, lose control, and start hurling stones at the mods and lummox, assuming this is a left wing conspiracy. And then you are gonna go so far that Lummox can't ignore it. And you're gonna get banned, come back on another key to get the last word, and then get shadowbanned. And you still won't accept that you asked for exactly what's happening right now. Is that the road you wanna take tonight? Because believe me my dude, I'm more than happy to hold your hand and whisper sweet nothings into your ear while you partake in this magical mystery tour. All you have to do to win, is prove me wrong by shriveling up, and going away, having gotten exactly what you wanted out of the last two threads from everyone involved: Attention. Decisions... |
More hateful libel? You really don't know me at all, do you? You've got this picture in your head and, by god, you're gonna kick that guys butt good, huh? And you say I have prejudices? Wow. Listen to yourself. Foaming like a rabid dog. You finally got one in your pocket. One of those deplorable rightwing extremists,and you don't care about civility or appropriate decorum, because by golly, you got one right here in your hand. You must have been so excited for my reply. How late did you stay up fantasizing about me? That's what you've really got.
A fantasy. As for me, I had a couple of beers and played some games and thought very little about it. I awoke this morning to this... desperate plea for validation. I will address your posts in full when I have the time. If that gets me banned, well, like I said, it sucks always being right. Thank you, though. You convinced me that BYOND needs a free speech platform, free of moderation. I'll be rolling one out soon. I will welcome you to chat on equal ground. Maybe I can reach the young man I used to know and call friend. Look what they've reduced you to. Tragic. |
![]() Sorry about you losing a 2-hour-long draft due to the lock, but getting one thread locked because of personal shit-slinging isn't an invitation to post another one and continue where you left off. Maybe losing that long draft should've been a sign that rampant shit-slinging isn't the best way to use this space. That said, if you want to make a platform here that's all moderation-free, I encourage you to do so. I'd stop by and say hello! Hell, I'd feature it on Within BYOND (stay tuned for it, btw! Coming soon!) If we can somehow move this topic over to being focused on a subject rather than letting it devolve into a dumpster fire, I'll leave it unlocked, but otherwise I'm going to extend Lummox's lock to this thread too. |
Hug your families more and spend less time on Xooxer's dick.
Because when 2024 comes here, when the people you should be afraid of have a voice, I will be sitting down. |
Kozuma3 wrote:
Hug your families more and spend less time on Xooxer's dick. ![]() |
Straight to insults because someone had a differing opinion.
No one every loved you people like they should have and it shows. |
Spevacus wrote:
Sorry about you losing a 2-hour-long draft due to the lock, but getting one thread locked because of personal shit-slinging isn't an invitation to post another one and continue where you left off. Maybe losing that long draft should've been a sign that rampant shit-slinging isn't the best way to use this space. Shit-slinging? I started out by voicing my concerns over the moderation policy of shadow banning users. A policy employed to silence conservatives across many platforms. I was content with James' response and reassured by Kozuma's continued presence, and his spicy memes. He wouldn't be free to post those elsewhere. But everything changed when the fire nation attacked. Albon1 had some questions. Fizzle had some shit posts, and Ter13 had an exitential crisis. My part? Stating facts. Having opinions. As always, the conservative suicide. How dare I not tow the party line? Clearly, I'm every horrible thing you can imagine, justifying ill treatment of me. Quote my shit-slinging. What, exactly, did I say that forced Lummox's hand? How is Ter's vile hate and unapologetic libel okay, but what I said was not? Oh, was it because Ter said it was hateful and racist? Was it? How so? Explain it to me. Oh, did I bring up the truth? Yeah, my bad. I forgot I was supposed to tow the party line. Do I make my check out to you, or The Big Guy? Oh, he automatically gets 10%? Cool. So how does $10 billion sound? |
Logic doesn't work here, they have a system where Ter will come in and then his goonies will throw the thread off topic while supporting Ter so that when Ter gets his last 2 cents in he tattles to Lummox that his feefees were hurt. Thread Closed
Just for future reference, if you search in ANY of the BYOND discords for "Koz", I come up about 700+ times total if you want to read their opinions on me, and yet I never said or even mentioned them other than these threads. They will attack your character for years to come.
That's how I have evolved to be the most apex-byonder known to man. |