/obj/effect/proc_holder/spell/vampire/self/vamp_claws //- bad argument definition//
name = "Vampiric Claws (30)"
desc = "You channel blood magics to forge deadly vampiric claws that leech blood and strike rapidly. Cannot be used if you are holding something that cannot be dropped."
gain_desc = "You have gained the ability to forge your hands into vampiric claws."
charge_max = 30 SECONDS
required_blood = 30
action_icon_state = "vampire_claws"
Problem description:
Vs code throws bad argument definition on the first line. I cant get why
help pls
The real question here though is if DM itself throws an error when trying to compile that code. If it doesn't, then the issue is in the VSCode extension you're using. If it does, since that line clearly has no argument definition, look at what precedes it in the file.