hascall() always works with proc names, not proc references
I was going to post in that thread, but decided to add another when I realized that it was going to be off-topic.
I originally wanted to ask if hascall() could now work with nameof() internally, but that created an obvious problem now that call() works with specific procrefs; if hascall(o,procref) implies call(o,procref) is sane, but procref is a different proc with the same name as a one it has, then that has serious side effects.
Instead, I wanted to ask if hascall(o,"procname") can return a procref, equivalent to o::procname(). This value would still be logically true, but it has extra information. Assuming you can do this lookup, hascall(o,procref) could also just internally compare procref to o::procname and return the procref or null.
A builtin proc that returns a procref would also provide type safety; as long as the result isn't null, you know that it's correct for the var (unless/until it gets deleted).