I was bored one day, and decided to open audicity and my guitar and start making some music, a week ago I had not know about audicity, but it was on my computer, nifty program, anyway, I recorded my own version of Float On by Modest Mouse, I did the bass, and both guitars. Feel free to tell me my rythm's off, but it was really hard with no pick. >_>

listen here...

You're talented. I can't play my guitar well at all, and I took lessons for 2 years. :/
heh I'm not going to lie, I didn't like it very much :(

Your guitar tone is pretty cool though, it kind of sounds like some sort of Hawaiian song this way.

at any rate, yeah the rhythm is basically you randomly stabbing at the notes and not doing and of the cool sliding things they do.

But I commend you for song choice because Modest Mouse is amazing and with some more practice this will be delightful :)
Yeah, like Vortezz said, practice. That, and get a pick maen! they're like 20 cents a piece.....i think you can bum that off of anyone(even the hobo down the street). once you get it fine tuned, it'll sound a lot better.
Yeah. I definently need practice, I've only been playing guitar for 3 months, but yeah, I just made a pick out of a old thick plastic card, yes, I'm a little ghetto, either that or I can bum one off my friend. Randomly stabbing? >_> It wasn't random, it was kept the same throughout the whole song.

Fine tuned, yeah. I have a electronic tuner, but I didn't tune it before this song, it must have slipped my mind.
i have them synced best I could sync them, and you didn't do that bad. At least the bass sounded like it was fine :P
Yeah. you don't need a pick for bass, so it was the easiest.
at least u did better than me right now im playing some spanish music pretty hard for my lv >.>