Well, I lied.
I messed with the CSS.
And made it pink.
That's right. A site called Purple Things, a key called Blu, and a pink web site. >_>;

If I contradict myself again today, I'm not entirely sure what will happen to me.

Maybe I'll grow a new limb!

That would be exciting.
I don't a think a three-armed girl would be very sexy. :P

Er, uh, not that you ever weren't..but uh, it's not like I said you were! :\
I noticed your gender icon is still the default blue on grey, so I went ahead and tweaked it to match your color scheme. female_member.gif

To replace your current gender icon with this new pink one, add this CSS to your page:

#gender_image img {
display: none;
#gender_image:after {
content: url("");

You probably don't want to just link to my photobucket, as I tend to clean through it now and again, and might erase it accidently.

Nice blog, BTW.

Oh, cool! How neat. I had no idea I could do that.
I'll be sure to add it in later. Thanks very much. :D
Very nice! My girlfriend liked the pink site (she also constantly bugs me to paint may wargaming miniatures pink even when it something like a troll! :-/). I think the pink adds a human touch to the site.

Not sure about growing a new limb. I think I would pick an extra arm if it came with the hand. An extra leg would ruin balance, and an extra head would be too confusing!
Heh, pink trolls sound kind of cool actually. Of course, I was running from pink demons in DOOM a decade ago so I might be biased.

I'm tempted to suggest setting font-family to "CatholicSchoolGirls BB" for Blambot font fans, but it probably looks better like this.