Once again, its another issue of Naelor Update News.

I've been too incredibly caught up in all my other work to do much right now. I iconed some new Skill icons for a few future skills I'll program in in a few days, fixed a Save bug that prevented me from coding much, and added the basework of Mining. Oh yeah I also added the Skill Guide for Engineering even know its only partially done so far.

Current Skills added into the game: Mining, Smithing, Crafting, Woodcutting, Construction, Engineering
Current Skills that have their exp/lv/new-things-at-higher-levels worked out: Woodcutting, Mining, Construction
Future skills: Magic, Accuracy, Power, Blocking, Ranged, Camping, Games, Gardening(Changed from farming), Essenceworking(Manipulating magical essence for spells), Prayer, Thieving, Cooking, Fishing, Herblore, Alchemy
Future skills with no icons yet: Magic, Accuracy, Power, Blocking, Ranged
Future skills being worked on next: Gardening, Essenceworking, Cooking, Fishing, Herblore, Alchemy

I'm going to work on the game alot more the next week or two. Keep your eyes peeled for the Naelor Public Alpha and Naelor Update News 4.

PS: Working on the basic armor/weapons/smithing right now. I'll post a screenie on this spot soon.
I used to have Accuracy, Power, and Blocking as Attack, Strength, and Defense but I decided that I needed to deviate away from my Runescape-thinking mind.

I might need to fix the Player icons, they're quite odd when they walk.
Mechana? Fautzo has being waiting for the new fish chat source code for a long time by now...
awesomeone can't wait for this!
Me too
Me three LoL! sandro12 why u answered 2 times?