A new scope :: operator has been added. This has many uses:
  • ::varname and ::procname(...) can be used as a shorthand for global.varname and global.procname(...), respectively.
  • /thing::staticvar can be used to disambiguate var names when a static and local var have the same name.
  • Most commonly, A::B is a shorthand for initial(A.B), but can be used where A is a constant type path, e.g. /foo::bar.
  • In an object's var declarations, and static var declarations, type::varname and parent_type::varname are valid, so an expression like HP = parent_type::HP + 20 is allowed.
  • /mytype::procname() can provide a reference to a specific proc for use with call().
Applies to:DM Language
Status: Resolved (515.1590)

This issue has been resolved.
Stub for the scope operator
Lummox JR resolved issue with message:
A new scope :: operator has been added. This has many uses:
  • ::varname and ::procname(...) can be used as a shorthand for global.varname and global.procname(...), respectively.
  • /thing::staticvar can be used to disambiguate var names when a static and local var have the same name.
  • Most commonly, A::B is a shorthand for initial(A.B), but can be used where A is a constant type path, e.g. /foo::bar.
  • In an object's var declarations, and static var declarations, type::varname and parent_type::varname are valid, so an expression like HP = parent_type::HP + 20 is allowed.
  • /mytype::procname() can provide a reference to a specific proc for use with call().