"Pointers" are now supported in the DM language. Preceding any writable var, list item, etc. with the & operator will create a pointer, and that pointer can be read and written to by preceding it with the * operator. Proc-local vars are allowed to be used as pointer targets, so a sleeping proc's values can be altered in this way.
Applies to:DM Language
Status: Resolved (515.1590)

This issue has been resolved.
Stub post for pointers
Lummox JR resolved issue with message:
"Pointers" are now supported in the DM language. Preceding any writable var, list item, etc. with the & operator will create a pointer, and that pointer can be read and written to by preceding it with the * operator. Proc-local vars are allowed to be used as pointer targets, so a sleeping proc's values can be altered in this way.