The link() function isn't seamless. We still get hit with the splashscreen and ad wait time even when you're using the same skin for both worlds.
Numbered Steps to Reproduce Problem:
1 - open up your first world - I'm using a local world for testing
2 - link() to the IP of your other world, that uses the same skin
3 - get hit with the ad wait time
Code Snippet (if applicable) to Reproduce Problem:
Expected Results:
Seamless transition between worlds
Actual Results:
Get hit with ad wait time
Does the problem occur:
Every time? Or how often? Everytime, considering the delay for the ad screen to show up once it was shown before.
In other games? Yes
In other user accounts? Yes
On other computers? Yes
When does the problem NOT occur? Between the delays of the ad screen.
None that I know of
I also confirmed with a local test case that when running the same world in DS and also DD, I was able to switch via link() from DS to the DD session, even though I used the external IP address (the full ip:port URL).
So something isn't quite right if you're seeing a message normally associated with ads. I'd need a full test case to confirm.