var/difficulty_modifier = -(--altitude_difference)
I snicker every time I see the negation of a pre-decrement operator. It's not dirty or anything... I just snigger for some reason.
I think I need help.
var/difficulty_modifier = -(--altitude_difference)
I snicker every time I see the negation of a pre-decrement operator. It's not dirty or anything... I just snigger for some reason. I think I need help. |
Mar 11 2007, 5:15 pm
I don't get it...
The results are bound to be funny when you take a given quantity, weaken it, and then change its polarity. For example:
canada = -(--america) Heh. :) |
So what you're saying is that while Mexico is dragging America down with it, Canada does the same to start with and then goes and subverts the American concept entirely by turning it upside down.
Go Canada! |
Squirrels make me laugh.
world/New() if("Canada")del(world) else ..() |
You could also say that the transitive property of negation implies that the United States is also backwards of Canada, and only slightly bigger in absolute value. ;-)
Squirrels make me laugh, too! Especially ones from Open Season. Oy! |