The sound datum now has a pitch var that can be used to shift the pitch of a sound up or down (currently limited to 3 octaves of change). This also allows a sound to be time-stretched by setting frequency to the inverse of pitch.
Applies to:DM Language
Status: Resolved (515.1590)

This issue has been resolved.
Hey Lummox,

I annoyed you about this in the ByondDiscord a week or so ago, but never got around to making a feature request.

It would be super cool if we could manually adjust a Sound object's Pitch and Speed/Tempo independently. We currently have frequency, which handles both.

You mentioned that it looks possible with our sound engine, and really we only pitch, which could combine with frequency to adjust speed (or visa versa).

Lummox JR resolved issue with message:
The sound datum now has a pitch var that can be used to shift the pitch of a sound up or down (currently limited to 3 octaves of change). This also allows a sound to be time-stretched by setting frequency to the inverse of pitch.