Can anyone explain to me why my game (Jaydia's Realm)'s short cut link, on the Active Games page under Unpublished Games, isn't working correctly? Raw;view=live;world_name=Jaydia%27s+Realm
It is blank: My thumbnail and description aren't showing up. Then, after you click on the link, my banner and all of my info aren't showing up as well.
However, when I log into my account, and use the link thats on the game's Info page, it shows everything that its suppose to: JaydiasRealm-IconExchangeBuilder
I think the problem is that the short cut isn't reflecting the correct ID name. Rather than Jaydias Realm, it should be JaydiasRealm-IconExchangeBuilder. When I click "Submit", it doesn't update the short cut. It doesn't feed anything to it.
I've tried shortening the name, leaving out spaces, characters and such, but the problem still remains.
Even with the shorter name of Jaydia's Realm the problem still remained (which is why I tried changing the name's length also leaving special characters out of it). And I've tried other shorter names, too. They still didn't fix the ID in the shortcut. It still stuck to "Jaydias Realm". So, the length of the name, and the dash, doesn't seem to be the problem.
Can an admin fix the short cut's link so that it shows the right info / game ID name?
Help! :)
- I Thank You In Advance!
Aug 3 2005, 5:52 pm
I always use JaydiasRealm-IconExchangeBuilder. The problem is the short cut link in the unpublished section.
The link in the unpublished section leads to a blank page. None of the graphics or html is showing up. And, on the unpublished page, its missing the description of the game and the thumbnail. And Kunark, I don't have access to my game's code, remember? Its all on an old pc that crashed. *cries* Are you saying the link in my game's code effects how the game's page shows up on the Hub? I thought the updates I make on the Info page is what effects the game's page. |
I mean, when you search for it, the correct link comes up, with thumbnail, banner, and html. & If you hold your mouse over the short cut link, it'll say "Shortcut to JaydiasRealm-IconExhangeBuilder".
But, if you host a live game, then check the unpublished page, you'll notice that the thumbnail, banner, and html are all missing. And if you wave your mouse over the short cut link, it'll say "Shortcut to Raw;view=live;world_name=Jaydia%27s+Realm". Is this reading whatever I have in my game's code? Gosh I wish I could get my hands on my code! LoL I'd hate to have to start over from scratch, but it looks like that's what I'll have to do.. *sighs* Wish me luck! |
I just clicked on your link for unpublished section, it works fine for me.
Check to make sure the world/hub var in your game's code is the correct link. You may have set that link wrong.