"As inttypes.h is currently NOT shipped with Visual Studio C++ products, you may want to use some external one."

Date inttypes.h was ratified as part of the C Standard Library? 1999. Eight bloody years later and they're still not supporting standards. Why am I not freaking surprised?
Wait, you expected them to conform to a standard? I realize that very few, if any, C/C++ compilers completely conform to the standard, but it's Microsoft. Look at Internet Explorer. Pretty much every other browser follows one standard, while Internet Explorer continues to follow it's own.
Well, no, I said I'm not surprised. ;-)
Jtgibson wrote:
Well, no, I said I'm not surprised. ;-)

Erm, I totally just didn't see noticed that!
"Leave it to Microsoft"

No thx.
Not that I'm madly in love with Microsoft... but Internet Explorer IS pretty much every browser. Can the thing that 9/10ths or more of the public follows really fail to "follow standards?" In areas besides things like critical security issues, why don't the other browsers simply render things the way IE does?

(And if anybody wants to answer that last one, I'm looking for something besides "Because it's not the standard." See above, in re: what everybody uses IS the standard. A consortium of intellectual appendices could get together and declare that from now on Tuesday is the same as flossing, but that won't make your teeth any cleaner.)
In areas besides things like critical security issues, why don't the other browsers simply render things the way IE does?

Because if we took IE's rendering as standard then things would be suckier. Writing HTML and CSS would be less logical, more confusing and harder. I won't insult your intelligence by finding and presenting examples of this, so I'll just let it be said that IE's rendering is made of fail and lose.
I dunno about "more confusing" or "harder", but certainly "less robust". It's because of Internet Explorer's lax standards that everyone else has to support the wrong way of doing things. I suppose you could say that yes, Microsoft is indeed setting their own standard which is forcing other browsers to comply, but to put it in terms of another analogy, that's like building cars with three wheels just because the Reliant Regal does so.

Even if there were more Regals on the road than four-wheeled vehicles, don't you think the four-wheeled vehicles are inherently superior and that everyone should buy those instead and forget about the three-wheelers?

Oh, incidentally, my post had nothing to do with Internet Explorer and everything to do with Visual C++, but that's forgiven since Audeuro brought it up. ;-)
I know, I was responding to his comment. :P I have very little basis on which to say anything about Visual C++ at the moment.

There's a lot of things which people buy that absolutely mystify me. For instance, I'd rather people not buy any number of wheels for their private everyday use and instead adopt more sensible and efficient means of transportation... but it's not my place to do anything about that. If I had the power to force people to change their attitudes about driving vs. public transportation (and public getting off your ass and walking), I like to think that I wouldn't use it.

:P Barring an egregious security concern (or huge ethical dilemna), people who choose to provide what they think consumers should accept instead of what they actually want have no business complaining that the world's magically failing to go their way.

Microsoft offered a way of doing things. The market (which is you and me and all God's chilluns who gots computers) made it standard. We can talk all day about MS's business practices, but even Bill Gates is the devil, people still took the deal, right?

Anyway, I've got far more respect for Bill Gates as an example of the good a person can accomplish with the drive to acquire wealth than I do for the people who acted like I had grievously sinned against them by taking so long to find a template for my website that rendered properly in their hippy browser. :P