Congratulations to D4RK3 54B3R -- his Action guild has been made into an official BYOND guild!
That's the first step! Next step is to get more action games listed. We should have all games that fit into the category listed here. Soon we'll add the ability to classify the best games as "featured", so people can tell which games the guild recommends, and which are here because they fit the category.
The Linux Guild has the right to be recognized! Don't be haters!
[EDIT: I'm taking this over to my guild, this really isn't going to help our cause flaming here.] |
A.T.H.K, Action games need a place of their own. They aren't really "casual" and they don't quite fit anywhere else.
Now let's get this guild underway :) First thing I'm going to do is update this CSS. It's lacking in a few areas... |
Congratz im realy happy 2 see some ACTION on BYOND i love some of ur games keep the good work going greetz
Ah, it's good to see a place for Action Games. I'm inclined to agree with DarkCampainger on his previous post for a game that Kirby and I make is considered an Action Game and we want more of the BYOND Members to see it and rate what they think of it. The game is called Freeze Tag HideAway, I'm sure you've seen it around.
Anyway, congratulations guys! It's about time. |
DarkCampainger and I still need to get around to start reviewing games and rating them. Also, we need to get that first Games Night started. Expect to hear more f rom us soon!