It's been a week of buttoning up and prepping for release, but it's been a bumpy week all the same and I missed my deadline for getting test builds out to people. It's okay, though; I'm well on track to make that happen early next week.
Some of the delays were personal schedule stuff and couldn't be helped. Others were bugs that popped up at the 11th hour and had to be squashed, plus a few items outside the editor that still needed proper testing. As they pushed things forward I realized my initial hope of getting something out before Wednesday was never going to happen. Plus, I needed to write up a document for the testers so they'd know what to look for, what to expect of the new changes, and how to work with the debugging info that'll be available.
Despite being in button-up mode I couldn't help myself and snuck in a few more features that were taunting me from the list. I felt some of them were just too important not to do now while I had the chance.
Anyway the worst is well behind me in terms of this project and I'm finally on the cusp of those test releases, which is great.
Thank you to everyone who's helped support BYOND lately through your Memberships and various donation platforms. It means everything, and with some bumpy personal stuff ahead it means all the more.
Right now despite all the turbulence I'm trying to make this summer count, and I hope yours counts for a lot too. So go to those barbecues, ride those rides, watch those fireworks (but don't be like the idiot who burned his apartment building making his own), make waves in the pool, and get your mom hooked on SS13. See you next week.
![]() Jul 15 2022, 11:44 am
As to fireworks, here's one that's actually worth watching in video form: