How do you say...

"I'll be there"

In Spanish?
estaré allí
thats a lie. its really [sópleme]
no its not :o
"I want to have sex with you"

Seriously, it is. Spanish is weird.
I am a master at spanish, for I have taken the best there is: Highschool Spanish 1+2. Here is how you say it -

Yo soy tengo un gaato y tu gaato la perro
Dead_Demon wrote:
Yo soy tengo un gaato y tu gaato la perro

I applaud your Spanish speaking skills, but I must now smite you with my Spell of Spanish Speaking!

Tengo doce huevos en mi cocina. Tengo un gato en mis pantalones, y el es muy bien.
wow >_>
Tengo gaato u ty alli en mis perro! >_>