hey guys, i read alot of post here and still didnt get good answer so ill make post of the problem for me and for next ppl that want to make start screen, so :

i want to start screen when you open the game you see pic(png), with buttun's(New,Load,Del) i made in interface (that on the right size and have other pic in them{very buty}).

1. how i make that after someone prees New for exmple that will make a new char, where do i code what will happned when someone click on butun that made on interface?

2.after he press New i want he will give name to his charter and go to next screen that will show for exmmple other png in backroung and optines to pick skin, gender,hair and stuff, how do i make that flow from first screeen to other after he choose new? the end i want he will start the game in loc(src.loc=locate(1,2,3) for exmple), but in this stage i want he will no longer see all the privius screens we made, so how i do that?

if can help by quete and code a bit it will be VERY helful, and now its me make the post but it will help to alot of pepole in fuutre so feel free to share answers with us :-)
If you're using the interface, you can create panes instead of windows and put them inside of a child element so that you can switch between the panes as needed.


You'd be using something like that.
In response to Kozuma3
if you can give more infromation that will make it understand to someone that make his first interface(even that i read all the 220 pages of pdf about DM) it will be more helpful.

1. i create a windows and inside put an image in background.
2. i create button and make other img inside of him to make him look good and type in it "New".

* that button ID is: "NewButtun".

how from here we can make that you will enter the game and see all that, and after you press the New button it will active function that do stuff like for expmle print you "ello Mr, ty for your help" + will show you next windows/img that u can choose skin to your char and gender ?
The button "New" if you edit that elements properties will notice there's a tab called Config, you'll want to attach a verb to the Command element that will be called when the button is pressed.

From there you'll want to use a child to switch between panes as needed via the code posted in the previous post.

If you edit a child element you'll notice in the Config tab that there's a Left Pane and Right Pane input, those are what you're looking for as you can switch panes from that single element.
In response to Kozuma3
first ty alot for try to help and for the fast comment's, i answer now cos i spend my day of work with that and try understand what you sayed and see how it work.
Kozuma3 wrote:
The button "New" if you edit that elements properties will notice there's a tab called Config, you'll want to attach a verb to the Command element that will be called when the button is pressed.
ok i secssed do it so ill add my note for next ppl that will read it, you guys need to do mob/verb/NewCharter
(*note that u must do it as a verb and not as a proc) then as Kozuma3 sayed u go to command and write there NewCharter and it will active the function.

From there you'll want to use a child to switch between panes as needed via the code posted in the previous post.
ok now about this what do you mean with use a child? i add a child on the screen and make it unvisable, than what should i do for exmple go to next screen(that will make them choose skin and gender etc or for the map screen), should the map screen be in other *window's* or all will happned in 1 windoe's what we make in interface?

If you edit a child element you'll notice in the Config tab that there's a Left Pane and Right Pane input, those are what you're looking for as you can switch panes from that single element.

same question about the child thing's i try played with that Right pane input and didnt understand what i should write there and how it work
The child element is blank to begin with, you'll want to use the above code posted to set it to a pane that exists. The windows should be set as panes, there's a option for it.

If you click on a window itself and go to the tab Config, you'll see a checkbox called "is a pane" make sure it's tick'd for any windows you want to display in the child using the above code.

[edit] Your primary window with the child element on it should stay as a window, not a pane.
In response to Kozuma3
Kozuma3 wrote:
The child element is blank to begin with, you'll want to use the above code posted to set it to a pane that exists. The windows should be set as panes, there's a option for it.

If you click on a window itself and go to the tab Config, you'll see a checkbox called "is a pane" make sure it's tick'd for any windows you want to display in the child using the above code.

[edit] Your primary window with the child element on it should stay as a window, not a pane.

amazing explain! now evreything that i serch and wanted is work! and all cos of you Kozuma3, so realy thnx alot!

ok now for make invantory/map that will shown on the regular map after he enter the game, what do we use?