I'm looking to get a -- not sure the exact word for it, but a standalone installer for my game. Who would I contact and whats the process for that? I heard something about going to lummox, but im not sure what his email is. Or if there is a person below that I should talk to about it
Byond's Gangsta
The use of BYONDexe requires approval from Lummox JR, and with that approval comes a key that will let you create an EXE file with a specific project. If your game's hub listing status is set to "Published", you can send Lummox JR a BYOND pager message or send a direct e-mail to support@byond.com for access.
If you have created a project that doesn't yet have a hub listing for it, go ahead and make one. Make sure it has a bit of art of the game, as well as a decent description and some fitting tags, and I or another moderator can set its status to "Published", at which point you can ask Lummox for a key to use BYONDexe.