Time for the next issue of Naelor Update News.

I have currently added HTML Skill guides to the game. I have added them for the Woodcutting and Construction skills so far, they are accessed by clicking the skills in your Skill List.

Theres a pic of the Woodcutting Guide so far. The Construction guide is split into a few sections with a guide for each section for the sake of keeping the individual tables reasonably short.

As you can see theres a Quests tab. I shall add quests with a system similar to N:TTR's. Quest Logs are also being added. (Which work like the ones in N:TTR)

I have finished re-adding the House-buying and Furniture-creating systems from Naelor v1. All I need now is to re-add the House Rebate system and Wood-selling systems...

Late last night I added the framework for the Mining system. Construction will be nothing without metal nails, hinges, and other fixtures. Engineering also needs bars of metal to make the different parts to add to the machine blocks.

Currently I can't wait to add Engineering to the game and see how people react. It might go over as the best skill in the game, or fall to the bottom of Naelor's skills and become something noone wants to train. I'm hopefully going to make it go the first way, as its going to be my favorite skill in the game.

Currently planned skills are Woodcutting, Crafting(Decided that Woodcarving was just too small of a area to work with), Construction, Fishing, Cooking, Mining, Smithing, Engineering, Herblore, Alchemy, Magic, Attack, Strength, and Defense. All the Combat skills are coming last.(Magic and the Melee trio)
I atleast want to add 4 or 5 before I go into a Public beta. I have added the Woodcutting and Construction skills so far. Construction still needs a little work and Woodcutting is already finished for the most part.

Thats all I can think of at the moment. Keep your eyes peeled for Naelor Update News 3.


Heh, by the way, you ARE making mining like I said, right?
Runescape kthx
XD I do play Runescape, but this is a Platformer. Besides, most of the skills are entirely different from how they work in Runescape. (Besides Woodcutting and thats only because theres no other way to do it really o_O)
Hi. Naelor looks kewl. HI RANDOM PPLZ!
I want to be like an important person! Like a testor, then I can be head GM! BWAHAHHAA! HI MAGEMA!
Can I be an important person like a tester too?