Put down your pitch forks and hear me out.
Why should we eat anything that requires a modicum of effort when we could just eat steak and drink water? Sounds like a massive waste of time, and devalues the fact that other foods even exist at all, especially in a RP game based on a franchise that features the cast eating NUMEROUS amounts of different foods.
What I propose is the return of food gains-- however, they're not as they used to be. Instead of gaining more based on how much OVER you are passed 100%, instead, you gain more for eating PREPARED foods.. such as apple pies, soup, stew, etc., things that require more effort than going up to your local cow and pressing slaughter.
Not only does this encourage folk to put a bit more effort and less afking, it also increases the value of ALL foods and potentially, if you wanna get spicy with this idea, different kinds of foods.
It also encourages a slight bit more RP in the casual area, with dining, cooking, and even even a bit of extra nuance to your character.
By how much should you gain with these prepared foods, you might ask? Well, that can be up to debate and nobody will be able to agree on one given thing, however, I thought of either one of two ideas;
Idea A: You gain roughly the same as you would via standing gains for a set duration of time.
Idea B: You gain a fixed amount based on the effort it would take to prepare such a dish. Though, this could be more subjective.
I want to know what you think about this idea, as I'm pretty sure nobody really wants less effort and less value for food... right?
![]() Jun 9 2022, 3:47 am
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![]() Jun 9 2022, 4:11 am
Uhhhhh, excuse you? I'm sorry, but we should really just go back to how it was in DBG, with soup gains being the best food for gains. I don't see why you people keep wanting to change this game into something it's not, you're literally worse than Salas200.
Why are you trying to reinvent the wheel with all these changes? Just reintroduce the old hunger gains system, with more fleshed out food choices. There's no need to over-complicate it.
P.S People were against hunger gains not because of the limited food options, they just wanted an easier way to get stronger without the extra steps. Changing the entire system around is meaningless because the outcome is the same. |
So, Some feedback.
1. Bring Hunger gains back how it was in DBG. Where the higher your % in Hunger/thirst, the more you gained. 2. Have all complex food dishes, so that's any food type, that has extra steps other than just "Get food, Right click cook" give around the same Hunger% as Soup. Probably have it be very slightly variable by like 5-10% or so for all the different dishes. Basically at that slight Variable, your choice in food item isn't going to matter, it'll all give basically the same benefit. 3. Tiredness shouldn't affect Gains at all because it's not something you can max over 100%. 4. Give Namekians a Version of Soup gains for Thirst. Basically since their hunger% is pegged at 150%, if they had a thirst equivalent for Soup, it'll be the same as a race with Hunger and thirst eating soup and using water. The max I've ever seen somebody get thirst in DBG was like 165% so this would put Namekians on the same playing field as other races. Edit: Just wanted to clarify. Thirst also factors into Hunger Gains. |
Manly-pink wrote:
So, Some feedback. I dig it, personally, I don't care how it's done, so long as we manage to make it so people don't -only- eat one kind of food. Either that being steak as it presently is, or soup, as it used to be. Callencice wrote: Why are you trying to reinvent the wheel with all these changes? Just reintroduce the old hunger gains system, with more fleshed out food choices. There's no need to over-complicate it. I urge you to actually read the suggestion before making a comment about it. If you had, you'd know it's not "re-inventing the wheel", it's literally a simple change to a previously existing system. |
Lucine wrote:
I urge you to actually read the suggestion before making a comment about it. If you had, you'd know it's not "re-inventing the wheel", it's literally a simple change to a previously existing system. Removing HTT gains entirely, and making foods give fixed gain rates is definitely reinventing the system. Please don't start arguing semantics because I used a plural term. You understand my point. I'm comparing the DBG hunger gains system to your proposed change(s). It's very different. Anyway, I agree with all of Manlypink's suggestions. However, I thought HTT gains were removed for entirely different reasons than the one's we're arguing now. I thought it was just a matter of people being lazy and not wanting to work for better gains. |
The Unknown Hobbit resolved issue with message:
HTT gains have been re-implemented, along with new values assigned to different recipes. Tiredness was not designed to be a boost, but rather an offset to the combined effect of hunger and thirst. This prevents their gain rate from being more potent than it already is. |