It's been a short week in more ways than one. I wrote up today's news last night because of an appointment that ate up the day, but it turns out I'm posting it on time anyway. Despite the intense heat that began the week and today being blown up by medical foo, I've made steady progress.
Gridification of the pop palette for the map editor is basically done, and I'm just adding some quality-of-life improvements to that, including an ability to separate items by type (e.g., only turfs, only objs, etc.). Then comes stuff like generating icon and dir instances, editing instances in the palette, moving instances around, and deleting them from the palette. (Loading and saving pop palettes will come later.)
After I get that dealt with, I can finish other testing that's been in a holding pattern while this other stuff needed attention. However I'm also planning early next week to look into another bug report for 514 that could mean another maintenance release; I've let that go this week but it really needs to be looked at, instead of waiting for weeks like I did last time.
So all is coming along reasonably well, I'd say, but I'm anxious to get 515 out as soon as I can.
Thanks everyone who supported BYOND this past month as Members or on other donation platforms. Your support means everything. And thanks also to those who've offered their well wishes for what's going on lately at home.
Next week: more code, hopefully a couple of nice days, and hopefully much better news. See you all Monday.
![]() Jun 3 2022, 11:25 am
![]() Jun 3 2022, 11:30 am
A silent prayer.