When issaved is called with a var name literal, it acts correctly.
When issaved is called with a text literal, it acts correctly? (by failing to compile).
When issaved is called with a var *value* in vars like issaved(vars[name]), it acts correctly.
When issaved is called with a var *name* like for (var/name in vars) issaved(name) it permits compilation but produces a result that at first glance seems incorrect, saying no member will be emitted to savefiles - even if they will be.
It may be difficult to initially grasp that issaved is not lying - but is being given the wrong variable entirely.
Numbered Steps to Reproduce Problem:
Try the below code.
Code Snippet (if applicable) to Reproduce Problem:
usr << "explicit basic: [issaved(basic)]"
usr << "explicit other: [issaved(other)]"
usr << "traversing var keys:"
for (var/name in vars)
usr << "\t[name]: [issaved(name)]"
usr << "traversing var values:"
for (var/name in vars)
usr << "\t[entry]: [issaved(vars[name])]"
var/datum/example/example= new
explicit basic: 1 explicit other: 0 traversing var keys: basic: 0 other: 0 tag: 0 type: 0 parent_type: 0 vars: 0 traversing var values: basic: 1 other: 0 tag: 1 type: 0 parent_type: 0 vars: 0
Expected Results:
keys produces the same results as values.
Actual Results:
keys produces all falsies.
Does the problem occur:
When does the problem NOT occur?
Did the problem NOT occur in any earlier versions? If so, what was the last version that worked?
Adding a warning box to the doc for issaved (like on the doc for var/tmp) that makes it clear that you must refer exactly to the *value* of the member var and not its introspected name would be nice.