Missed another day of blog activity. I need to stop doing that, it looks bad on my activity profile..

Naelor is updating well. I added a ton of new stuff and even had the first private alpha test with two of my friends (Dark_Midna(Also known as Snapboy300, one of my best friends), the game's biggest contributor, and Boanak, a friend of mine)
and D_M said that its coming along well. I'm going to re-add the systems from the original version of Naelor(Housing, woodcutting, furniture building) along with some new stuff before going into a public alpha. I have yet to code in the Woodcutting, Carpendry, Mining, Smithing, and Engineering skills. Woodcutting and Carpendry were in v1 and Mining/smithing/engineering were being worked on. If any of you think Engineering will be like it is in World of Warcraft, its entirely different based on a series of Parts you can add to various types of Invention Bases(Hollow blocks of wood stone or metal) to create your own custom machine that works according to the parts you added to it. I'll go into detail later but I need to go for a minute, so k.

I have yet to add new features for N:TTR, I'm working on that in a day or two so I can add some crucial features to Naelor v2.