515 features so far
+ Done
- Planned
? Partially done or needs testing
? Map editor
+ Switch to using the same renderer as DS
+ Change pop palette to use hardware rendering
+ More zoom options
? Totally revamp the UI
- Add plane master support
? Savefiles
+ Add byond_version and byond_build vars
? Implement a new way of saving appearances
- Test the compatibility vars
? mutable_appearance creation with arglist
? client.RenderIcon() and support for appearance refs as browser img sources
+ Basic support
- Find a way to override blend_mode
+ Skin
+ Embedded wingets to include num-lock, caps-lock, scroll-lock
? Sound
- Sound end hook (id:2400562)
? Begin from a certain point (id:1433793)
? Animation
? Language
? Pointers
+ Main functionality
+ ispointer()
- Combine initial() or issaved() with dereference
? Return types in procs
+ Main functionality
- Document
+ Custom list procs
+ Implement
+ Prevent operator overloading
- Document
+ world.process (id:2711988)
+ Internal: Allow for() loops to optimize range/orange/hearers/ohearers (id:2736777)
+ floor(), ceil(), trunc(), fract() (id:2728718)
+ isnan(), isinf()
+ trimtext()
? ftime() (id:2761904)
+ Test
- Add constants
- Document
+ new block() syntax
+ noise_hash() (id:2703969)
? Faster x**2, x**-1, x*x implementations
+ Implement
- Test
+ get_steps_to() (id:2742721)
- float version of % operator
- auto keyword (var/auto/X = Y), where var would be assigned a type from the RHS expression (id:2744406)
- typeof keyword
- Volatile vars (id:2715614)
- Built-in list sorting
- Better control over list reserve capacity (id:2621745)
- list.RemoveAll() (id:2682105)
? Sendmaps
? Call an optional proc before maptick (world.Tick())
+ Implement
+ Document
- Test
- atom.ttl, to keep an atom visible to a player for a certain time after they leave its presence, at the cost of decreased server performance
May 6 2022, 5:14 pm