![]() Feb 28 2007, 9:47 am
Poll: Ever have that one song you just kept listening to?
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Yea, Like im not sure why I felt like even blogging this but whatevar xD sooo anyways ive been listening to this song that I Absolutly Love non-stop now... In Your Eyes by Kylie Minogue ^^ anybody else have that song that you listen to once and just can't stop listening till you bore yourself to death with it and then look for ANOTHER song you can listen to over and over? XD
![]() Feb 28 2007, 11:14 am
whoamgah sup malk <3
There are so many lovely songs that people make it's nice to listen to them over and over, again and then once more.
I have them a LOT and you know it. Jeebus. Just about everytime I find a new song I like I listen to it for a loooong time.
Malkortia AKA Sakia AKA Emeradia AKA Amarlaxi <-- Most recent name and AKA Venetiae yes Malkortia is really Venetiae. And AKA Geist Widow HIS screen name on GaiaOnline now. And he also has a name Albel Nox which looks like his Gaia character while he was still a male.
This person will try there very best to win you over to make you feel like he cares about you only, to use you and take all you have and when it's all used up than he leaves. This person is a guy acting like a girl so the using part can be easier. I met him on a online game maker called Byond and on this site there are tons of games made by users to play I met him on a game called Final Fantasy Legacy back when he still use to say he was a guy and he was my Guard with the same person just lieing to trick people to win any conversation Venetiae. Later on I met him on the Megaman game I played than I created my own and he used to preform sexual acts to get things from myself on it making him Etna on the game, the first time he started acting like a girl was when he changed ofcourse and Okechi said he looked hawt as a girl which he told me himself or showed on a thread here and ever since he's been that way. Malk will also use Venetiae on another key to back up all conversational things that Malk has and if you noticed all of Malks names end with a Vowel including Venetiae. Also Venetiae one time on my game Megaman X Online said that he was a female and Malk was backing him up than later about 3 weeks he admitted he's a guy. The difference between Malk and Venetiae are that they are opposites so no one would guess that but they are always there at the same time and place doing the same thing to prevent others downfall. I also told Venetiae something before and not to tell to Malk so it wouldn't hurt him but after months later I finally talk to Malk and Malk brought it up but I never told him and Malk said I told him but I told Venetiae increasing the proof. Malk also will act like he is suffering from every illness possible like Necrosis, The Flu, Bone Density Issues, Venomous Spider Bite that could kill him and was making his bite wound black and he wouldn't call 911 when I asked him to or talk to anyone around his house and many others he'll just start illnesses so you can feel sorry for him and crawl closer in his web of deception to further you in more. He as a female will also play a highly sexual trick and he only will do one certain position and that position being with his mouth cause he enjoys it and also people will give him things for it. Malk also drew a picture of my Avatar and His doing such a position he also did this with Wolf from this thread. Malk happend to also perform sexual activities with my friend Fuzzy aka Drognor from my Byond when Malk supposedly inlove with me but I later find out that he's in a relationship with Solcloud and alot of other people. Everyone around him thinks he's a girl but he's really a guy i've known Malk since I started Byond in 2004 and I saw his Gaia account while he was still a guy and he has all his memories from when he was a guy as a female ruling that out. He also to back up his theories have said these two things to me. 1. "My brother use the name Malkortia on everysingle thing in existance that I now own and have every account data membership gaming profile because he gave it to me cause he entirely quit the internet." 2. "I use to pretend like I was a guy." He's both said those things but only the 2nd one once infront of me the first one is his main one. And now he messaged me last month saying he was on a library computer cause he lost everything and I told him to wait for our conversation cause I wasn't on my current computer and my laptop was in for repairs so one month later he's mad at me and I have no idea why I have my laptop and he wont talk to me and i'm guessing he's finally figured out that I know who he truly is a guy and he is Venetiae and Malkortia.Also notice how in this pic of both of there avatars together when they were both female at the sametime as they are basically the same thing just with different color hair. Shmecksy.jpg And Malkortia is 22 years old check this out. Also he use to say all the time he was Megaman Virus's Brother which is also a lie. Malkortia is also white not asian as he says now which he use to tell me he was white. And Lol check out who I got a message from today the real stalker. howtoownamalkortia.png?t=1225331929 His city of Heroes character is Emeradia: 50 EM/SR Stalker <-- Wow. |