Holy crap. The site was launched like 10 hours ago. Needless to say, I'm glad that I devoted my past few months to this instead of finishing up Acheron's Awakening!
Not bad. It looks like you may have an interesting career ahead of you---if not as a star producer/director, then at least you will eventually be known as "Man With Most Cult Followings."
I think you'd do best pitching this show to TBS, they are constantly looking for new shows since most of their lineup is reruns. Or, you could always do like Mega 64 did, public access + internet clips. Their show makes basically no sense, and they've done a ton of stuff for large game companies. Just coming up with ideas. Good luck, though.
Funny... the crowd at digg is pretty negative as usual... but my inbox is flooded with emails of support!

I've even been invited to a few film festivals. Even if this show doesn't work out, I'm happy to make some great connections.
Good luck Ben, now the fun starts!
Yeah, just about every digg article I see has a bunch of retarded pseudo-intellectuals bashing it for whatever reason they can think of.

It could be a digg article about saving cute puppies and there would be a digg mob chasing it with pitch forks and torches.

I think it's funny how passionate they are about it. It's like if somebody diggs something that isn't the greatest article on the planet to them personally, they get so pissed off that they wish death to your siblings.
Mostly because they're spiteful theirs probably won't make it to the front page.
You'd think Digg would be a community of mature computer enthusiasts and developers.... But they're worse than YouTubers.

I linked to it on my BYOND blog. It may be a one-hit-per-eternity blog, but I'd like to see your PageRank go up a lot once Google notices you.

It's at the top right now, but I will probably move it down in a few weeks.
nobody rly cares about joo silk
Sweeet. I just updated the site with a bunch of emails etc.:
Did you design that yourself? It looks really nice.
Xx Dark Wizard xX wrote:
Did you design that yourself? It looks really nice.

Thanks! I learned a lot of lessons from the crapfests that are my other website... plus finally figuring out CSS helped quite a bit.
SilkWizard wrote:
Thanks! I learned a lot of lessons from the crapfests that are my other website... plus finally figuring out CSS helped quite a bit.

Yeah, CSS is very effective when you know how to use it properly. I was making a help file for my game and it really sped things up.

F34R wrote:
nobody rly cares about joo silk

if i recall corectly, you were pretty obsessed with him a few months ago.
Hah. Nice webcam praise.

White 'n' Nerdy sounds pretty good in this context. Have you thought of an official title theme for the series yet? I'm thinking the "Nadrew Song" remixed. =p
Wow, looks like fun! I'll have to keep an eye on this. Unfortunately, quite a few people on YouTube seem to be taking it rather personally. Kids these days, they just never learned to laugh at themselves...

You're definitely getting up there in skill, though! Right now, I'd place you around intermediate: obviously nicer and smoother than "amateur" work, but not quite Movie Theater quality (not that I expect it to be)

Good luck!
Jeffrey S wrote:
F34R wrote:
nobody rly cares about joo silk

if i recall corectly, you were pretty obsessed with him a few months ago.


It looks cool. Oughta get you some of the respect and dignity you lost.
Hell, I've posted it on two forums I frequent already. People are saying that they'd LOVE to see a show like this!

EDIT: I haven't posted it on the G4 forums yet. Should I?
Yota wrote:
Hah. Nice webcam praise.

White 'n' Nerdy sounds pretty good in this context. Have you thought of an official title theme for the series yet? I'm thinking the "Nadrew Song" remixed. =p

That would be the Props to BYOND I was talking about XD.