Good Lord it's been a dreadful week, starting with a rather dreadful weekend. On Saturday evening Hobbes took a dramatic turn for the worse, and Sunday morning we had to make the decision to say goodbye. 19 years is a good run, but it was a rotten way to spend the weekend and it's thrown a shadow over everything since.
Despite that I've been working quite steadily on the map editor stuff. This code is an absolute slog, but it's a slog with purpose. I was trying to tease apart the existing functionality to make it better fit what I need it to do, but I eventually decided to say screw it and rip out a bunch of code and start fresh with mostly new stuff. It's coming along really well, surprisingly, but I'm still not at a point where I can test anything.
My hope is that I can get the bulk of this sloggy refactoring done as soon as possible and spend most of next week (although that's probably optimistic) in the testing phase, by which I mean trying to get this running and figuring out why it crashes when I do this, or hangs when I do that. I'm gonna have to put everything in the editor through its paces, especially when it comes to selection, copying and pasting, and most of all undo and redo. Yeah, there's a lot left.
But on the whole however long this takes, I'm very happy with the changes I'm making now. The map editor code was just too out of date and adhered to a paradigm that didn't make sense anymore. The code is clearing up and getting easier to understand as I rewrite it, and that's a huge good thing. I've also made some pretty substantial changes to the UI so that the way things are selected makes a lot better sense now—or rather it will once I get everything hooked up and tested and working.
Thanks everyone for your continued support through BYOND Membership and our other donation channels. It really means everything and I'm grateful.
Next week: hopefully less slogging, less tragedy, and less war. And if we had a longer spell of really nice weather, preferably enough for a zoo day, I'd sure appreciate it.
Apr 29 2022, 10:08 am
Apr 29 2022, 11:26 am
RIP Hobbes. Say hello to Kiki for me!
In response to Bravo1
Bravo1 wrote:
RIP Hobbes |