
Thoughts? Personally... I think it'd be an enormous load if it ever passed.
I believe Obama has already promised to veto it.
This is the same as Protect IP Act/COICA.
...It won't make it very far.
In response to Super Saiyan X
It has some big names backing it, though.

But with Google against it, it's basically good game to it (as in, it will not pass), likely.
It'd be like a four year old against Hulk Hogan from 30 years ago.
Firstly, it'll apply only to US. I can't understand why whole world goes apeshit about it.
Secondly, when people post that, I usually give them this link:
In response to Zaoshi
Because when the US does something with legislation, the UK tends to follow, then everyone else follows? DMCA -> Digital Economy Bill and so on.

Plus, the clauses on foreign websites are basically giving US corporations leeway to filter foreign content coming through US ISPs to US users because of their copyright concerns, basically doing their best to block content outside of their jurisdiction and setting a precedent that the US operates a country-specific view of the internet.

Something we only currently see in China, which everyone agrees is pretty poor for Chinese social inclusion in the world (it's designed as such, of course). For all the bawing, I don't think the rest of the world wants to see the US go that way, and this is coming from a British guy here.
In response to Zaoshi
Why post about any law that could be passed. If you aren't in the country, why care?

The fact is this law essentially turns the Internet useless because of the massive censorship it'd receive.

YouTube? Gone. Imageshack and other sites? Gone. Fansites that give info for games? Gone.

BYOND? Eliminated immediately if such a thing passed.
It's a bad law. Essentially, America will turn into a country dictated purely by Congress, personal space and privacy will have died entirely. Soon, they'll pass laws on how often I can go to the bathroom...
In response to Moonlight Memento
Any website that is not hosted in US will continue existing. Just US internet space will be closed down like Korea's or China's. Welcome back to stone age.
In response to Zaoshi
It's apparent you are quite ignorant to this topic. The US would essentially have it's internet shut down, tons upon tons of million of people arrested for piracy whether recent or retroactive because if the bill passed it will do a scan of all computers to check for "piracy" and such.

But hey, if it doesn't effect you, why post here?
In response to Zaoshi
A significant fraction of the internet is hosted or DNS'd from America.
In response to Jp
If that bill were to pass, it would be the beginning of the end for America.
In response to Zaoshi
You apparently don't know much about the DNS system.
The United States is already headed down a very Socialist path, and what's at the end of that path? Communism. Essentially, America is taking away one right after another, until we're left with nothing. No president is going to come out and say, "Hey! We're a Socialist Nation now!" It'll just happen, and Americans will be ignorant in the illusion that this is indeed still a "Free Country". The Government leaders don't want us using the internet to become more politically involved, because a dumb population is easier to control.

Call me a "Conspiracy Theorist" if you want, but I'm calling it how I see it. The only way we're going to keep ignorant laws like this from passing is by standing up and saying something about it. But people would rather sit on their couch and bitch at the government for all of their problems while they do nothing to help solve the problem. This is why we, as a group, need to email, call, text, whine, complain, moan, and cry until Congress is ready to collapse. I serve this "Free Country" with my life, I don't want to see it become a Fascist power.
In response to Solomn Architect
Solomn Architect wrote:
Socialist path
Fascist power

Hit all three in one post!
In response to SuperAntx
It's good, but it's not Xooxer good. Needs to add just a little spice of New World Order.
In response to Zaoshi
Also another thing: BYOND, YouTube, every other video site, all image sites, all music sites, all blogging sites, etc, would have to shut down immediately after the bill passes
In response to Moonlight Memento
Moonlight Memento wrote:
would have to shut down immediately after the bill passes

Only if they're hosted in US. Or they can remove that content. I won't miss BYOND or YouTube. Might miss ImageShack but there's way more image hosts.
In response to Zaoshi
What part of this do you not understand? Who the hell cares if they aren't located in the US? YouTube could be located in Sweden for all I care, when far, far more than half of the userbase is now banned from a site, it's going to die very fast.

Ignoring that if this law passes, millions upon millions of people will be arrested, branded felons and have their lives ruined.

If you can justify this---no, don't try, you'll just make yourself look even more ignorant in this topic than you have.

It'd be like saying a MMO with subscriptions can thrive if every single person who paid was immediately banned for no reason at all. No. It won't thrive. It has no funds or remotely functional userbase.
In response to Moonlight Memento
Moonlight Memento wrote:
when far, far more than half of the userbase is now banned from a site, it's going to die very fast.
Maybe yes, maybe not. But even small userbase can survive (ex. BYOND)

Ignoring that if this law passes, millions upon millions of people will be arrested, branded felons and have their lives ruined.
Content uploaded before the law is passed doesn't apply to the law, because it was legal back then.
What you're saying is like arresting judges for sentencing people to death because it was legal back then and it isn't now. Or arresting people for owning slaves because they were legal and aren't now.

It'd be like saying a MMO with subscriptions can thrive if every single person who paid was immediately banned for no reason at all. No.
Depends what rules state. Most MMOs state you can be banned at any time and for any reason. Therefore they can ban you for no reason.
In response to Zaoshi
BYOND would go from 4,000 average to maybe 600 (this is being generous I think). It isn't living from that. Sorry.

And no, content before the law is still illegal. Why? They expressively state in the bill that you didn't read they CAN and WILL scan computers for pirated content.

Most MMOs state that? Which ones? Ones ran by Adolf freakin' Hitler? What ToS ever states "we reserve the right to ban for no reason at all?
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