In response to Tom
I still think we need something like Yahoo Answers where you can vote a forum post as the correct answer and as people look through forum posts they can see which ones are resolved and which aren't Also that would make it so people looking for answers to questions they have can just look at previously answered questions and know that there is an answer to it.
In response to Zaltron
Zaltron wrote:
I still think we need something like Yahoo Answers where you can vote a forum post as the correct answer and as people look through forum posts they can see which ones are resolved and which aren't Also that would make it so people looking for answers to questions they have can just look at previously answered questions and know that there is an answer to it. Yes, I think that would be very useful for certain forum categories. Essentially the original poster could resolve the question and the person with the best answer would get some kind of bonus points. |
In response to Tom
I am surprised people arent getting sick of the byonds version of a like button which is this.
Go Pats! (same post reposted 5 times) -------------------------- Like button can really effect the atmosphere. Atmosphere can really effect the outcome of a thread. Why hide positive emotions? Its a waste of time for you as a poster to focus your posts on issues where no one is interested in, when you have other ideas that have a much better chance of being successful. I used to personally get annoyed when someone would like one of my posts then tell me a month later that they approved of what I was saying but just didn't feel like getting involved. Feeling I could've went much further with my idea if I knew so and so also were down for it. Think of how much it would affect the social dynamics on byond. Controversy would increase behind scenes. Bringing us all even closer together. One person likes your idea or someone elses and you don't know them. Odds are you'll seek them out and ask them why so. ------------ Tom wrote: Zaltron wrote: A great idea for threads on less trivial and more direct solutions: Code problems, Dev-how to, Design philosophy. Then again one could argue the same thing would be accomplished with a like button. ------------- If I were to create a forum. I'd have a like button. And a small input box for small comments such as "Lol, lmao, rofl, smh, wow". In very small sizes, that would appear under my post. Hulio-G: XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX / rant 7 likes, Antx: lol Moonlight: smh |
In response to Tom
If you're not aware, this is how StackOverflow works.
Looking at the way that the forum conversation is going, Tom and Lummox just might see fit to place a Like button, or as Zal posted, a "Best Answer" option. So many Developer How-to threads would be ended so quickly without the crossing answers and confusing logic. If people look up how to do something, and click on a finished thread, they would be able to quickly find their answer without hinting through endless posts about arbitrary matters.
In response to Tom
Tom wrote:
Zaltron wrote: I posted something about this in Feature Request at the start of the year but it hasn't received a status. BYONDHelp?command=view_tracker_issue&tracker_issue=2550 |
But because of BYOND's weird forum system, it will get confusing if you reply to X post to say you agreed with it, further a bit on it, then talk to someone else in the same post.