Well recently I haven't been doing much on byond due to my Python team. We have 2 members so far excluding me. Python is a very good programming language for: Game Development, Windows Applications, Web Widgets. Game development would consist of 2-D games as well as 3-D games. Due to upcoming projects we would like to invite you! And I know what you're thinking "Why is this Noob posting this on Byond?" Well the answer is, that I posted this on Byond due to reasons such as, some people wish to make careers and money out of there time and well perfected projects. So that is why I am inviting you. Don't worry either it is not second nature to us either. We are not professionals in Python gamedesign but beginners in the whole world of Python development. But we do have experienced team members. Through experience I mean we have members who have took semester classes over Python. Anyone who is willing to learn or help on projects is welcome. If you do decide to join some projects will be FreeWare and some will cost money in a certain shape or form to play or purchase extra features in the game.
Contact Information
MSN- [email protected]
Email- [email protected]
Byond Pager- XxBloody NightmarexX
![]() Nov 6 2010, 6:59 pm (Edited on Nov 6 2010, 10:48 pm)
OrangeWeapons wrote:
In my opinion, school programming classes are terrible, you really have to learn on your own. It's good to take one to learn the syntaxes of how a language works, with statements and such, but after that I find it useless. Very true I believe you can learn a lot more on you're own. Therefore I am constantly reading up on Java books and web tutorials trying to squeeze the lemon of java and learn everything possible. Do you know any programming languages? |
Now, that's not to say that you don't have more experience than someone who has studied a language for a month on their own, but you don't progress very fast doing tedious, repetitive projects in school. They need content (garbage) to shove into a gradebook.