Is there something wrong with my ads in the classifieds? I've posted many things about needing services, offered a lot and had many diverse ideas, yet no one has ever responded to my ads. What am I doing wrong?
you've only posted two ads, one of which was posted today. forums move slowly.

in addition, in your first ad you ask for both an icon artist and a coder. people don't want to hear that you'll be the "Owner / all around stuff". what's stopping them from just making the game without you? you contribute nothing at all to the game's development that anyone with the mental faculties of a 9 year couldn't do

that sounds pretty harsh but it's true. no one wants to 'work with' someone who's doing nothing but taking power away from the people who are actually making the game
In response to Zaole
...If you thought more baout it, they can't really make the game without an idea. Plus, I even do the world development part and some small icon / coding, because that's all I can really do. Not my fault I'm bad at it, even though I try. But a game can't work without an idea, and I'm pretty sure my ideas are better than anime rips and such of games that already exist, and those people do nothing as well. Some don't even build the maps.
In response to Ryu-Kazuki
Everyone has an idea. If you want people to take your offer, you have to show them how yours is better than theirs.
In response to Redslash
So I'm taking the wrong approach?
In response to Ryu-Kazuki
If you are not going to do the coding or the sprites or music, then approach with a complete Game Design Document with everything needed to make the game a reality. You should have a balanced system with a full story and script. You should also sell the game to the people by giving them snippits that interest them enough to work for you on this game. That is the job you are taking upon yourself by suppling the ideas.

In short, make the game to the fullest of your abilities then try to hire others. But also make sure your game is good enough that people will work on it and play it.
In response to Redslash
Well like I said, I've done small time stuff, but I can't do major things (yet). Besides the map design and layout. Coding seems at the time being impossible for me, I just wish I had someone to help me learn or something...
In response to Ryu-Kazuki
Theres a lot to do before coding a game. All games, whether FPS, RPG, Action, or even puzzle need balancing of some sort. For example, make sure class X can't completely wipe class Y off the map. In fact, whole combat systems should be planned and balanced before trying to code anything. Figure out how everything will interact with each other on a logical level. You don't need to code a bump proc to know what happens when two character bump into each other. Writing and story boarding are completely separate form coding and can be done well before the game enters the programing phase.

When asking for help, if all you present is "I want to make a game" nobody will take you seriously but if you say "I have a 10 page Game Design Document that lays out the combat system, interactions between Players, Computer Players, and Enemies, and dialog for 12 hours of gameplay. This is what some of it looks like: ..." I'm sure more people will be persuaded to join you. Even more if they like what you've done. It's all about realism and dedication. You have to show that what you want to do is reasonable, and that you are have what it takes to stay with the project until it's done.
In response to Ryu-Kazuki
Sucking at pixel art is understandable to a point, but you can pick up on things, read tutorials, etc. Not knowing how to program how ever is not really an excuse. Anyone who actually wants to learn and takes the time can learn to program.

I'd say it took me a good two weeks or so before I really new what I was doing. Once you understand it though, you can produce almost anything. You have to give things a chance. Wanting to develop a game without any skills is a bad idea. Especially if it's your first project and you are trying to start out large. Start small and work your way up.

Just start learning, then start programming random games. Keep it small, this will give you an idea of what it really takes to create a game. Try not to ask for help, and do it by yourself. I must have 15+ games in projects folder. None of which are finished, but they all taught me something.

The easiest way to know if you are doing it right, is one if it works, and two if it doesn't have a lot of things repeating.


For instance, you will see this in a lot of anime source codes that are floating around. This means run, you won't learn anything but bad habits and incorrect methods. If you find yourself doing this brain scan on how you can handle it in a more simple manner and you will start learning in no time.
In response to Ryu-Kazuki
It's not too difficult for someone with the abilities of a slug to come up with an idea. Anyone stuck for an idea that needs something simple will eventually come across inspiration, and anyone that can and wants to program something large and difficult probably already has an idea (who hasn't come up with their "dream game"?).