I don't know about a lot of BYONDers here, but I've played Final Fantasy XI (Final Fantasy Online). I greatly enjoyed their class system and the ability to independently level up classes. What I didn't like was their choice of graphics and the ridiculous gaming difficulty. With World of Warcraft, in order to simply push forward in the game, it's an easy task to do on your own, with Final Fantasy XI, after about level 12, if I couldn't find a group, I wasn't doing anything on my own. Also the selection of races, bothered me to no end.
I see Final Fantasy XIV is going to be sporting the same races again. I was really hoping they would have went with something else. As half the races I simply do not like. I also see they are still going with the realistic looking style of graphics. I am the only other person who misses the anime inspired, cartoony graphics Final Fantasy used to sport? I really would have perfered them to go in more of a direction of World of Warcraft as far as graphics go then what they are doing now.
I seriously hope they make it easier to solo in the game, because that will be a massive deal breaker for me. I also hope they fix professions. Last time, when you wanted to go mine minerals, you'd have to buy like 30 pick axes, because every 2 or 3 mineral deposits one would break. It was ludicrous.
I am not sure if I even want to bother trying this one out. A lot of times MMOs don't have a free trail when they first open and for me that's a deal breaker. Why would I want to pay $50 to $60 for software and then $15.00 a month just to find out I don't even like the game? There are others coming out soon that are much more worthy of my time and money, such as Star Wars: The Old Republic and, dare I even hope, Dragonball Z Online (keeping my fingers crossed for a US release).
![]() Jan 2 2010, 4:48 am
![]() Jan 2 2010, 8:44 am (Edited on Jan 2 2010, 9:06 am)
If this is just another MMO, screw it. I play Final Fantasy for the excellent storylines, the worlds, the characters, and the gameplay. I haven't played 11, but I assume it's just like every other MMO, except made by Square Enix. MMOs are boring and repetitive. They're all the freaken same thing.
There was actually a plot progression in the mainline of quests in FFXI. Unfortunately there was exactly 0 voice acting and when you are just trying to get the quest so you can go do it with your friends you don't want to sit there reading all day.
From what I gather, you just want WoW with a FF skin. Just play WoW.
Yes, you can complain about graphics but it's really just a matter of opinion. I think WoW looks like crap, as does Warcraft 3, and I'm pretty sure Starcraft 2 is going to use the same crap graphics style. That doesn't mean that those games shouldn't use those graphics, it just doesn't appeal to me. Demos are quite nice and PC games are fairly bad about not having demos. |
The Kawaii Fuhrer Adolf Hitler wrote:
I don't remember any anime style, cartoony graphics in Final Fantasy aside from 7 and the DS ones. Final Fantasy IX |
No, that isn't true. There are actually a ton of aspects I loved from Starwars online and even EverQuest 2 that I'd love to see incoperated into a MMO.
You obviously have not read much about FF14.
It will be similar in some aspects to FF11. But different to a great deal of MMOs in one fundamental way. It has no leveling up, or exp. On top of that, it does not use a typical class based system. If you want to be a warrior, wear a sword, if you want to be a blacksmith, wear a hammer. Also, half the classes in the game are based around crafting. So chances are the crafting system is at least fixed. Other than that, the gameplay will probably be somewhat similar judging from the gameplay videos, graphic style is similar and has a more western influence to it and so is music. You can find tons of info about it on google. It'd take you 2 minutes to find out all that. They are also having closed beta testing sometime later on this year, and have been accepting applications for it for a good 3 or so weeks now. |
It is a MMO. I think it is a given that it will be a bad game.
But at least they are making an attempt at removing grind, and focusing on other stuff such as storylines and gameplay. It is a MMO, so I am not getting my hopes up, but for the simple fact that they are not focusing on grinding, it sounds better than any MMO ever. |
"It's an MMO, it has to suck!"
I'm sorry, but that's all your post wreaked of. Also, it was announced when FF14 was announced that it'd be an MMO, now's not the time to complain. |
Let me guess... You never read anything more than the first sentence in a post? If you do, you sure do not act like it.
My opinion is MMOs are bad games. It's not that the MMO genre it's self is bad, just that the industry has turned MMO games into cash cows basically. The potential to make money off of a MMO is much larger than it is off of a single player game (you cannot even try to argue with this. WoW is making some 2 billion dollars a year excluding cost to maintain the game, and it has both a monthly fee and a cost to purchase the game) . The longer you keep a player playing, the more profit these games make. Which has lead to MMOs evolving into a genre of game based around keeping people playing, and not actually trying to be a good game. The main method of keeping people playing is giving them lots of stuff to do. But all this stuff is basically the same. Sure, a MMO might have thousands of quests, but that is probably thousands of grinding quests (kill monsters or collect items). IF you bothered reading the last 2 sentences of my post. You would realize I said I am hoping FF14 will be different because the developers have stated the game will not have grinding and focus more on storyline and gameplay. Sometimes reading helps you know. |
The Magic Man wrote:
It is a MMO. I think it is a given that it will be a bad game.Really now, this isn't blatant MMO-bashing? But at least they are making an attempt at removing grind, and focusing on other stuff such as storylines and gameplay.It is a MMO, so I am not getting my hopes up, but for the simple fact that they are not focusing on grinding, it sounds better than any MMO ever Hey, I already bashed MMOs, but I'm going to try to defend FF14 for some odd reason. If you HATE MMO's, why would you complement it? Appearance in public? Sorry. |
Moonlight Memento wrote:
The Magic Man wrote: I never said it wasn't, your point being what exactly? But at least they are making an attempt at removing grind, and focusing on other stuff such as storylines and gameplay.It is a MMO, so I am not getting my hopes up, but for the simple fact that they are not focusing on grinding, it sounds better than any MMO ever You're just not reading entire sentences again. Seriously man, how many times am I going to have to ask you to read entire posts and not selective parts of them? Either that or English is not your first language and you still do not fully understand it. In which case, might I advise you not try having conversations with people you do not fully understand? I said, I am not getting my hopes up for it, but the developers said it would be different and better, it sounds like it has potential, it sounds like the sort of MMO I may actually want to play, and I am not going to judge a game before I have played it. |
"It is a MMO, I think it is a given that it will be a bad game"
Really now, that isn't MMO-bashing? What is it? Brown-nosing? If so, funny way of dealing with it. I'll summarize your post "bawww I hate MMOs, so any MMO is bad game. FF14 devs said they try not to focus grinding so it may be good but it is MMO so i not get hope up lolz" Because it's an MMO, you aren't looking forward to it, therefore, you still seem to be MMO-bashing. |
Yep, your comprehension of the English language is definitely bad. Might I advise you take more advanced English lessons before trying to have conversations with people.
English is a relatively easy language to learn, but one of the hardest languages to master because the same words and sentences can have entirely different meanings. If you do not understand all these very subtle nuances, you can totally mis-interpret the meaning of something. Anyway, the point is. I dislike MMOs, I hope one will come out that changes things, FF14 may be that game from how it has been described. If it is great, if not then it is no big loss (this is what not getting your hopes up means, if it is good then good, if it is not, then it does not matter because I never had any hopes to disappoint in the first place). I never said I am not looking forwards to FF14. I said I am not getting my hopes up. There is a big difference which you should probably learn about. |
FF + no grinding = lol. Every MMO promises no grind, it's a fairy tale.
And I laughed at your english (why is this flagged as not a word for Chrome?) lecture, I would first work on my grammar prior to turning into a grammar nazi (which is really just someone nitpicking on choice of words too, not just grammar). |
Which is why I said, I am not getting my hopes up. I know it is a MMO, I know past MMOs have promised things they have not delivered, I know this could very well be the case again.
Also, I am not complaining about grammar. I am complaining about your lack of understanding of the English language. Which you have just gone and shown again. |